Midnight ***er

Chapter 20

Frank stared at me in utter disbelief for what seemed like forever but was in reality only a few seconds. “Mikey is a vampire too?” he asked, “I never thought that you were both…”

“Mikey is now Frank,” I cut him off, “and he is killing and I can’t allow that…”

“You did,” he reminded me with an accusing tone. “Anyway what do you mean he is now?”

I sighed because I didn’t have time for this. I had to find my brother before I lost him to the creature he had become; the creature that I had woken inside of him. “I didn’t mean to and I didn’t even know how it was done,” I shook my head exasperated, “I need to stop him because it has been tearing me apart since killing and I can’t…,” my voice trailed away on a sigh, “do what you like Frank, I am going to find him.”

I didn’t wait for his reply nor did I look behind me to check if he was following. Instead I just darted into the crowd in a frantic search for my brother. I closed my eyes briefly to help me focus on the image of what he saw that floated in my mind. I rushed to and fro trying to match the people I saw to those Mikey saw. I was hesitant to call as he didn’t know I was searching and I didn’t want to lose him completely. He had not killed again which actually surprised me. Mikey seemed to have more control over the whole blood lust thing than I had shown and to be honest that scared me.

Mind you, what I saw next scared me more. Mikey was scanning the crowd and all of a sudden he focused on one person and that was Frank. Frank was not where I had left him and neither was he looking towards my brother as I watched the approach. Terrified now I redoubled my searching, hoping to find a clue as to their whereabouts. In my mind’s eye I saw Frank turn and go pale. He was obviously talking as he backed away but I could not hear the words. I strained my ears to hear that unique heart beat and whined in frustration as I couldn’t locate it.

I ran to where I saw him arrive and that’s when I saw the right images. It was a car park and I began searching. Of course, my heart had sunk a little when I realised he was just going to go and leave us. He just didn’t care it seemed and of course that realisation hurt quite a bit. Mind you, him declaring love and forgetting all I had done was hardly realistic. None of that mattered right now as Mikey was approaching with more than hurting him in mind.

I located them in a deserted corner of the car park and stepped between vampire and victim. “Mikey, you don’t want this, snap out of it.”

“Muscling in on you territory am I?” my brother asked coldly.

“That’s not it,” I said, “Mikey this is your friend and the guilt will eat you up inside.”

“Jamia was your friend and you killed her,” Frank pointed out from behind me, “you’re not being eaten up inside.”

“Not helping Frank,” I said as I turned to face him. His face was set in pure hatred as his eye’s met mine. “Look, it is eating me up but now is not the time,” I turned back to Mikey, “I can’t let you do this.”

“If he kills me I will be with Jamia or do you want to deny me that chance?” Frank yelled, tears sliding down his face.

“This isn’t about you Frank,” I started and then I stopped. Maybe in death he would be happy and wouldn’t hate me. I was torn because I wanted to protect my brother’s sanity along with my own but Frank wanted this.

“I would only be giving him what he wants,” Mikey said as if he sensed my hesitation. He stepped closer to Frank who closed his eye’s and tilted his head to expose his neck, “let me give him what he wants,” he murmured as he took another step forwards.