Midnight ***er

Chapter 3

Mikey gave me a funny look as I pushed him away so I made pretence of running to the bathroom to be sick. Me? A vampire? How the bloody hell did that happen? I must have been bitten the night before but try as I might I could remember nothing. It frustrated me that I didn’t know who was responsible for this whole thing so I had nobody to turn to for guidance. I had to learn for myself and quite honestly that scared the shit out of me.

I mean, what did I know about vampires? No reflection? I glanced at the blankness of the glass showing the door and sighed. Check. Sunlight killed? Well, I don’t know if it would have killed me but it sure had hurt like hell. I didn’t fancy trying the kill bit but, yeah, check. Craved blood? I sure had a second ago so check. Dead? I looked at my pale hand and then felt for a pulse. Nothing; I was dead all right. Check. I whined softly.

I heard the thudding of Mikey’s heart before he knocked softly at the door, “Gee? You OK?”

No, I thought miserably as I realised just how bad this was. I couldn’t tell him though, I just couldn’t. Went for anybody else actually nobody should know about this, only me. What would happen to the band if I was open about my newfound deadness? I shuddered softly. I had to find a way of dealing with this without them knowing. So I painted a smile on my face and opened the door to meet his eyes, “Um sorry about that I just had some kind of funny turn,” his heart beat thudded in my ears as he stood there and my gaze flickered to the vein I could clearly see in his neck. This was going to be much harder than I thought, “what time is it?” I asked in an attempt to take my mind off drinking my brother’s life blood.

“Around four. You slept away most of the day,” Mikey informed me, “are you sure you are OK Gee? You look… well, I don’t know how you look to be honest but just… are you sure?”

I reached out a hand to ruffle his hair playfully, “you fuss too much brother dear.”

“It’s only because I care,” he said and then he shook his head, “fuck, you are right and I do sound like our mother,” We both laughed at that, it is a joke we had often shared. “Anyway if you are sure then I will go and meet Alicia. We don’t have a show tonight so I thought that we could get together and…. Well, you know…,” he trailed off with an impish grin.

“I am fine, honestly,” just a little dead, “you should go and enjoy yourself,” after many assurances he disappeared and I could try to work out the whole vampirism thing.

I have read plenty so it was a question of sifting the truth from fiction. I can’t believe I am doing this because yesterday I had believed vampires were fiction. The sun was setting which was a good thing as I needed to drink blood; the thirst was all consuming now. There was a problem in that though because I couldn’t even kill a spider. Could I kill a human? Oh fuck I was going to starve to death!

Then I remembered reading about the little drink. You know taking bits from people without them knowing and without harming them. I hoped that practice was true because to me that sounded ideal. I waited for the sun to sink below to horizon before stepping from the bus. The sound here of heartbeats was almost deafening. I ran to the other side of the camp and realised that vampires do move quicker. I saw a roadie asleep on a chair and decided to practise the little drink. I crossed to him bent, bit, drank and ran. He didn’t stir meanwhile my senses were exploding. I don’t think I can describe the moment blood flows across your tongue. Alcohol and drugs don’t eve compare to the high that I felt right now. I bit my thumb and ran to smear blood over the roadie’s neck to close the puncture wounds. They closed on contact and I walked away.

I needed more. I ran about, looking for people asleep, not yet brave enough to try it on somebody awake. I was exhilarated and had never felt as alive as I did right now. Pity I had to die to feel this alive. Ironic. I was sitting by the wall when a new kind of thump rang in my ears. Loud, precious, delightfully irregular. It was almost pretty as its melody played in my head. I turned to see the owner, expecting some intoxicating beauty. What I saw instead though was my friend and band mate, Frank Iero.