Midnight ***er

Chapter 4


I just couldn’t get enough of that heartbeat. It was strange because it was like I was seeing Frank for the first time now. I can’t really explain what I felt but it was a sudden realisation of beauty. From the first time I had heard the melody of his heartbeat that night I had found myself making excuses to get closer to him. I noticed then his pale skin stretched over delicate features making him seem fragile and yet perfect. His eyes that flashed green every now and then and lit up my world. I noticed his grace as he walked or danced, the lilting tone of his voice, everything. How on earth had I missed all this before?

I had starting having ‘little drinks’ from the rest of the band and this included Frank. The first time I did my nightly rounds and reached him I was hesitant. What if I ruined the beauty I had only just discovered? I found myself watching him as he peacefully slept for a long time before I plucked up the courage to feed. I bent my head and put my lips to his neck and bit down. His blood was the sweetest I had tasted and I had to suppress the moan that threatened to erupt from my throat as the blood swirled in my mouth. I pulled out before I could be tempted to drink all he had inside him. I tenderly closed the wounds and then left my hand on his neck for a while just gazing at him.

So this was routine for me and seemed as natural as the lies spewing from my mouth about why I couldn’t go out in bright sun. I found that I could function indoors in daylight and was alright in the shade briefly. This meant that I cold run into buildings to do interviews or photoshoots. Of course, the vampire speed helped with this. How nobody noticed the speed I travelled I would never know. Well, maybe they had but what explanation was there for it? No, if they had noticed they would probably ignore it as a trick of their imagination. I know I would have done.

I spent my days trying to be near Frank and my nights feeding and then watching Frank as he slept. Obsessed much? Honestly I was like one of our fans with some school girl crush! Crush? I pondered that word for a while wondering if it was the right one. Did I have a crush on my friend? On my best friend at that? I sat down suddenly realising that is exactly what I had. “Fuck!” I murmured as I did so. That could not be a good thing surely?

“You ready Gee?” Mikey asked, heading for the door. The show was over and we were about to run out of a side door so the fans didn’t spot us. I preferred when they did to be honest because in the chaos I always managed to feed well with nobody noticing themselves becoming a victim, “what’s up, you look stunned?”

I stood and crossed to him, “it’s nothing,” I lied smoothly then looked at Mikey, Ray and Bob, “where’s Frank?”

Ray laughed, “he is doing his usual decoy bit so we can sneak away.”

What he meant was that Frank had been pushed into the masses so they were distracted and we could escape. Frank was usually selected because he was the smallest and therefore the weakest to argue with us. I grimaced at the amount of times I had been a part of this practice. My new found adoration made me regret my past behaviour I guess. Mind you, this was another thing about me that I didn’t want to know about me so I shrugged, “well, at least he’s practiced,” we all laughed and went out the door and onto the waiting tour bus.

We only had to wait a few minutes for Frank to appear. He was delightfully flushed which managed to give me hunger pangs as he sat beside me, “our fans are fucking insane!” he said; his breathing slightly laboured from his run to the bus, “I love it!” He grabbed at the pizza in front of us and munched on a slice, “you guys should give it a go one on one with them more often, such a fucking buzz!”

“Nice try Iero,” Bob said as he took a slice for himself.

Someone else entered the bus then and as they stepped into the light I heard Frank’s heartbeat increase in speed and grow louder in my ears. I looked at his broad grin and watched his eye’s light up. His lips parted in expectation and he breathed out one word, “Jamia.”