Midnight ***er

Chapter 7


“Please Frank, please!” my brother was begging Frank to eat something. Frank just sat with his head on his arms which rested on the table. He had only stopped crying now through lack of energy and nothing we could do or say could console him. Frank shook his head although he didn’t look up. Mikey pushed the plate of toast towards our fallen comrade, “come on Frank, you have to eat.”

Frank looked up at this, his eyes swollen and red from the tears he had shed, “why do I?” his voice sounded crocked and broken and both Mikey and I moved to rest a comforting hand on his back, “She was my reason to live and with her gone…,” he sighed and lowered his head again, “let me starve and fade away.”

I rubbed circles on his back in both a soothing and apologetic way. Of course I hoped that he didn’t pick up on the apologetic nature of it. I had destroyed my precious Frank in a fit of jealousy and now I had no idea what to do to try and fix this, “Frank, you have plenty to live for and we can’t let you go just like that.”

“Call yourselves friends,” he murmured as he kept his face hidden, “she went just like that so why can’t I?”

“She didn’t starve Frank as that’s slow and painful I should think,” I continued rubbing his back as I spoke gently to him, “Sugar we all need you here with us, tell us what we can do to help?”

“Well, if you won’t let me starve maybe you can blow my brains out,” he raised his head and eyes filled with bitterness and pain met mine, “against the ceiling, right Gerard?” I flinched at him throwing those lyrics at me, “let me guess, the answer is going to be no isn’t it?

“I can’t kill you Frank,” I said quietly adding the as well in my head. He shrugged my hand from his back and lowered his head one more. “Please Frank, I want to help but I can’t help you die.”

Frank made a noise of frustration, “Then don’t watch!” he almost growled the order at me, “there is no other way to help me Gerard because all I want to do is join her in that infinite darkness. I just can’t go on without her by my side. I need her and now… oh God, now I am just so lost.”

“Let us help find you,” Mikey said as he slid into the space beside Frank, “we all feel the loss and we are all reeling. We need you as much as you needed her and we are not about to let you go.” He pushed the plate towards him once more, “now, please, eat something.”

“Will you leave me alone if I do?”

“I can’t promise that one Frank but I will stop asking you to eat for a while,” Mikey smiled as Frank’s fingers grabbed some toast and he nibbled at it. “There you go,” Mikey said encouragingly, “after this maybe you should try and sleep,” Frank shot him a look which said it all.

Frank was never going to sleep properly again and it was my entire fault. I slid from my seat and, ignoring the strange look my brother gave me, I retreated to my bunk. This was when I discovered that vampires can’t cry. They might not be able to cry but they sure as hell could feel guilt.

I waned to turn back time and make things right again. I moaned slightly, desperately willing tears that never came to spill from my eyes. I had destroyed the one thing I cared for the most and that hurt beyond belief.