Midnight ***er

Chapter 8

It was while I was trying to cry that I became aware of Frank’s heartbeat coming closer to me. I stiffened on the bunk wondering why he was coming. Of course, my paranoia led me to assume he knew I was responsible. I imagined that he had come back in order to kill me and he would appear like a vampire slayer in the movies; armed to the hilt.

As he pushed aside the curtain by the bunk he wasn’t armed unless you cont the wad of tissues he held in his hand. I didn’t move, just watched him as he sat on the bunk beside me, “you know, your hugs have a reputation of being the most comforting and I think I need comfort,” he turned to look at me, “Gee… will you make the pain go away?”

“I am not sure that I can do that sugar but you don’t even have to ask for a hug,” I sat up and wrapped my arm around his small frame. He started shaking and when he convulsed sharply against me I knew he was crying, “let it out,” I whispered as my hands moved on his back, almost smoothing him against my chest.

He wrapped his arms about me and wailed his grief into my chest. I held him close while hoping that he was too caught up in his sorrow to notice my lack of heartbeat. Frank was just that though and he was too busy crying to notice much of anything. It was a good twenty minutes before the sobbing eased although then neither of us released our tight hold on each other.

Frank moved slightly to rest his head on my shoulder. Unfortunately this exposed his neck to my view and the vein I had tasted oh so often danced under my gaze. I bit my lip and tried not to look at that blue thing moving in his neck. I wanted to taste that blood so badly and I was fighting that urge. I was shaking then I was sure because I wanted to hurt the one thing I was avoiding hurting. Ironically he was the one my actions had hurt the most. I moaned lightly at this thought and moved a hand to cover his neck, blocking my view.

“What?” Frank’s mumbled question reminded me that he was in fact awake as he nestled in my arms, “is something wrong? Do you need something?” he raised his head and looked at me with red rimmed eyes, “I can move if so, please don’t feel like you have to stay with me.”

“I don’t feel trapped sugar and I am glad that you felt you were able to come to me,” I gently moved so that we were both lying down, “Mikey is right and you should try to sleep,” obviously I had an ulterior motive I this (other than wanting him in my arms which was also true) and that was that if he was asleep I would feel safer to drink some of his blood. “I will be right here with you.”

“Promise not to die in my arms?”

Oh, the irony! “I don’t plan on it sugar,” I whispered and let myself stroke at his dark hair. I started to sing softly to him and for some reason I was singing ‘you’ll never walk alone’…

“When you walk through a storm hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm is a golden sky

And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.

Frank grew peaceful in my arms and I congratulated myself on helping this broken man to find some peace. I stopped singing and watched him for a while almost rediscovering my crush. I moved to softly kiss his cheek but when I moved back it was to meet his questioning gaze.