Sequel: Don't Stop Now
Status: Finished

Break Me Down


“Hey Lilly?”

“Hey G, not joining the guys for breakfast?” Today was an off day and the whole day was planned out the night before, on not feeling too well Lilly decided to skip breakfast, she was surprised to find Garrett walking into the front lounge.

“Actually I was wondering if you wanted to spend the day with me? We haven’t really spent a lot of time together lately; the last time doesn’t really count since you were kinda passed out.” Garrett shrugged anxiously waiting for an answer.

“Oh sure thing Gary! I’ll text Kenny tell him we’re not coming.” Garrett smiled wide at Lilly’s response and how she addressed him, she seldom called him Garrett it was either Gary or G. It was her little thing she did and it made Garrett smile inside every time.

After a long walk around town and a spot of shopping the couple went to lunch and started to go through their purchases while taking big bites into their soup and sandwiches.

“I cannot believe you talked me into buying this,” Garrett laughed holding up his newly bought Star Wars rug.

“It’ll go in your room, if not I’ll have it. Who knew there would be so many vintage shops here?” Lilly asked fiddling with her Nintendo bracelet Garrett bought for her, she was going to protest but it was only a couple of dollars.

“I don’t even know where here is,” Garrett said adding a laugh. Once the pair had finished their meals they decided it was time to head back to the hotel and see what everyone else was up to. They could probably guess they were either catching up on their sleep or taking advantage of the hotels free wifi.

“Here’s the happy couple!” John exclaimed when Lilly and Garrett walked into the room where most people we’re collected. Lilly counted her blessings her brother wasn’t among them.

“Happy couple?” Garrett asked trying to fight the redness on his cheeks and on the back of his neck.

“Well you two going sneaking off together on a hot little date,” Jared teased, he could have fun with this for the rest of the day.

“We just hung out.” Lilly protested.

“You never hang out with us individually well except for Kenny but that’s because he is your brother. God knows none of us want to hang out with the guy!” Pat cracked.

“We just had a walk around town guys come on!” Garrett whined longing for the spot light to be taken away from him.

“Nice bracelet Lil,” John commented.

“Thanks, Garrett bought it fo...” Lilly stopped and sighed at everyone’s smirks on their faces.

“Nothing went on okay!” Garrett argued.

“We know we just like messing around with you. Well even if you did like her we all know you wouldn’t have the balls to do anything about it and take her out on a date.” John smiled and laughed on seeing his bassist face turn sour. At that point Kennedy walked back into the room and smiled at his friend and gave his sister a hug.

“Garrett you swapping rooms with Kennedy then?” Jared teased.

“For God sake guys grow up!” Lilly shouted and turned on her heel exiting the room. On her way down the corridor she saw a tall lanky figure coming towards her which didn’t belong to any of her brother’s band mates.

“Hey Lilly.” Christofer’s smooth cool voice couldn’t help but give Lilly chills, he reminded her too much of him.

“I don’t know what I’ve done to upset you but I’m sure I didn’t mean it. I’m not going to hurt
you.” He took a step forward to Lilly when he uttered the last part of that sentence causing the younger girl to snap. The memories and bad thoughts came flooding back into her mind like a dam had burst, her body went to panic mode and she knew she just had to get out of there; she was too frightened of it happening again.

“STAY AWAY FROM ME,” she screamed, just in time for her brother to come out of his hotel room to see where she was. His face formed a frown at his sister’s behaviour; he let out a small sigh when he saw her do the only thing she could think of, run.