Rehab Romances

This is proly the best story I could think of. I love it. So even if you dont, I dont care. Im pretty damn proud of this!
  1. Yey! Summer Camp!
  2. The Sad Part Is I Dont Even Know Your Name.
  3. Erm...Dare.
    Like Long Chapters? This is for the ones who actually CARE about meh story!! xD. Ily too!
  4. I Felt Something...Something Magical.
  5. Frank! How Could You!
    Shorteh Chapter, Im having a Writer Block on this story now! =(
  6. Hide!
    Wow. I forgot all about this story. Me sry! I luv u still!
  7. Untitled.
  8. Whoa.
  9. Don't Scare Me
    I'm so busy lately that I posted all this without thinking, this story might take a while for some more to appear, but I promise I still love you! xxx
  10. She Called.
  11. Nothing...
  12. Jake.
  13. Chapter *insertnumberhere*
  14. Chapter.
  16. The End.