Rehab Romances

Yey! Summer Camp!

I sat on my bed and watched the blood drip down my hand and onto my floor. I couldn’t take life anymore. Everything was turning against me. At least that’s how I felt. Why? Because my “Boyfriend” decided to get a little girl pregnant. We had only been going out for 3 weeks. And what does he do? He drugs me and rapes me. Nobody believed me because I had done stupid stuff in the past. And compared so some of these things, getting pregnant was nothing. My parents have seen it all, and they finally cracked. I had gotten an abortion and that’s when my parents decided to drop a bomb on my life.
“Emily, we have decided that because of the many recent times you have done some thing your mother and I do not, whatsoever, approve of. We have decided that we would be sending you to a rehabilitation hospital until you learn to control your drinking and drug problems and maybe stop getting pregnant!!” My dad announced to me.
“I Told you it wasn-“ He cut me off.
“And why should be believe you. We stopped believing you after the Graffiti incident on the school walls. Emily, I’m sorry we have to do this. But it seems like the only way.”
“Ugh! I can’t believe you!” I stormed upstairs. Now I’m sitting on my bedroom floor, watching drop after drop of blood run down my hands and onto my floor. I decided to make the bleeding stop and pack up. I would be staying at hokey pokey mental institute until I could be the perfect perky little angel my parents always wanted. I sighed and turned on my stereo. Why am I not calling my friends to tell them about what happened, you might ask? What friends? I lost all my friends after some nice cheerleaders ruined my social life. But I don’t feel like getting into that. I was finally packed up. I had all my clothes, even the ones I didn’t wear. My various nail polish, my AP magazine collection, my CD Case and my Ipod. I thought about bringing my bass but decided not too because it was probably safer here. I grabbed my lucky drumsticks and shoved it into my Aiden messenger bag and walked downstairs.
“So, when are we leaving for Summer Camp?” I asked my mom sarcastically as I marched into the kitchen and sat at the table.
“ We scheduled an appointment there at three. So get ready.”
“I’ve been ready, cause Im so excited about going! ” I snapped back.
“We told you why we have to do this Emily.”
“Yeah, yeah. Cause I’m so imperfect.” I sighed.
“Thanks for being such a great backup my whole life.” I thought to myself. I walked out of the kitchen and flipped my mom off. I went out to the car and sat in the back while I waited for my “parents”.
“Next Stop, Hell.” I said under my breath as we drove to the hospital.