Rehab Romances

She Called.

I was not looking forward to returning to my room. The Danger Zone Diva’s probably still invaded, and I didn’t feel like being in another awkward position. Still, I trudged back and opened the door too find all the grasshoppers gone, and the Master painting her nails a pretty little shade of pink (gag). I slammed the door shut so hard the nail polish bottle shook a bit. She just glared at me as I approached my bed and fell down, lying to face the wall. I felt weird and empty because of the missing decoration on my wall. I frowned at it for a little until my thoughts and the silence were disrupted by the perky voice of my roommate.
“You do know that Mary was the one who called?” She asked from across the room. I turned onto my other side to face her.
“You heard me.” She smirked and closed the nail polish bottle.
“What do you mean called?” I asked. I really shouldn’t have believed her, but I needed to know. My curiosity always got the best of me (Big shocker there).
“She called the offices to tell them that your parents wanted you out. She knew she was taking risks but she had this whole thing planed out that you would be put into a worse position than you already are, and you would be pulled from Frank, and honey, you’re falling right into her trap. ” She ran her tongue over her teeth and flashed a quick smile. I just looked at her puzzled.
“Your welcome.” She smirked again and blew on her nails.
“Why are you telling me this?” I asked shocked at the ounce of kindness that actually existed in her.
“Because, Mary always ruined my life around here. F.Y.I I never had sex, I’m a virgin, that was Mary. I don’t do drugs. That was also Mary. And, they reason I passed out the one day was because of lack of food but that was because I was playing messenger for Mary to HER other boyfriend, while she was dating Frank. She was evil to me and I find this as a way to get back at her. Around here, you take what you can get, and if I wasn’t her right hand woman, I’d have no one.” I looked at her gapped mouthed. She picked up her purse and carefully rummaged around to find her wallet and plucked Thirty Dollars out.
“Here, this is for the Posters. I owe you. If it’s not enough then tell me. You got some mad decorating skills.” She zipped her purse.
“I’m going to make sure Mary,” She rolled her eyes,” Is okay. She seemed upset and I have to be there for her when she hears about the big news!” She waved her hands sarcastically.
“Uh…okay. See yah.” I said unsure of my emotions. The door closed and I stared at the Thirty Dollars in my hand. I couldn’t believe it. Heather was actually nice to me? I lay back down on the bed and pondered over what just happened. Mary called to tell them I was being plucked from this hellhole. She had a whole plan to set me up, Then what? I couldn’t figure out what she could have done to me. Hours ticked away until I finally fell asleep.