Rehab Romances


Everything was going quite smoothly for awhile. Until the day I was supposedly due. Heather, Frank Gerard, Ryan, and me were in Frank’s room talking and having fun. My friends started to like Heather and we all became really good friends.
All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I could barely breath. All my weight became twenty times heavier. I was in labor.
“Oh god. Frank. Help!” I cried. Frank just looked at me shocked and helped me up onto his bed.
“Are you having it?” Heather asked. I shook my head.
“Oh my god. Oh fuck. What do we do?” Frank cried. Heather jolted out of the room. Frank held my hand. Gerard and Ryan just watched in amazement.
“Where is she going?” Frank asked them. They just shook their heads. She soon returned with the nurse. She probably wasn’t certified in delivering babies, but it was the best they had here.
“What’s going on? Stay calm.” She said to me. I just shook my head yes. Before I knew it, it was only the nurse Frank, Heather and me in the room. Ryan and Gerard were asked to leave. They seemed disappointed. Heather held my hand as the nurse helped deliver the baby. I yelled in pain, sweat and tears ran down my face.
Soon, I heard “Miss. Hansley, you have a beautiful baby boy.” The nurse smiled and wrapped him in a blanket. I was soon handed my baby. I could see tears in Frank’s eyes, as he looked at me. I just smiled.
“Hi Jake.” I whispered and ran my finger over his face. Frank kissed me on the cheek.
“He’s beautiful.” Frank smiled. I looked up at him.
“He’s ours.” I said as tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn’t believe it, I now had a baby boy. Frank and me had a baby boy. He was perfect in every way. I knew from that point on that Frank was the one I was looking for all my life. My savior, My guardian angel. He helped me through the rough times in the past ten months. From when we met until now, I was the happiest I’d ever been.
I called my mom later that day to tell her.
“Yes? Oh, Hi Emily. How are you?”
“Good. Very good, actually. I have something I need to tell you though.”
“Oh god. What is it?”
“…I’m a mother.” I squeaked. It was just silence.
“Seriously?” She asked. I could hear a balance of tension and excitement in her voice. I mean, I was eighteen. I was officially an adult. I was young, yes. But, with the help of my friends and Frank, I could do this.
“Yes. I met an amazing boy here on the first day and we really clicked. He’s the one mom I know it. Please don’t say anything if it’s going to be cruel. I really don’t need that.”
“Personally, I think you are very young still, and you might regret this, but I’m actually happy for you. I hope you know what you’re going to have to go through with this new baby.”
“I think Frank and me can take good care of Jake.”
“Awe. Jake is such a nice name.”
“Thanks. But hey, I have to go. I’m using up all of Frank’s minutes. I’ll call you when I can.”
“Okay honey. Give Jake my best wishes.”
“And another thing mom, can you not tell dad?”
“Okay. I understand.”
“Thank you so much. Love you. Bye.”
“Bye sweetie.” I hung up. I sighed and handed Frank his phone.
“What did she say?” I asked.
“She’s happy for us. And she send you wishes.” I said and kissed Jake’s head.