Rehab Romances


Two weeks later…

I was sitting in my room, talking to Heather. She told me that Mary was taken out by her parents, because they thought she was fine.
“They claim she didn’t have a problem anymore and is probably better.” She said. My mind was still clouded because of the hurt of missing Frank and Jake.
“I guess her parent are more crazy then her if they think she’s alright in the head.” I giggled. I soon heard someone frantically knocking on the door. I couldn’t exactly hear what they were saying other than “Let me in” It was Gerard. I rushed to the door and opened it. Gerard stood there looking at me, he looked really upset.
“Missy! It’s Frank. Mary killed him!” He screamed.
“What? No! Stop it Gerard. It’s not funny. Stop joking!” I shouted back, My voice quivered.
“Missy, I’m not joking.” He said close to a whisper. Tears fell down my face as I fell to the ground. I sobbed as I held my face in my hands. Heather came over and hugged me and helped me up to sit on my bed. I couldn’t stop crying and thinking about what could have happened.
The image of Mary killing my one true love was too unbearable to imagine but it was the only thing in my mind, the image of Frank trying to escape from Mary, and save Jake. His grandparents lay dead on the floor. A gun pressed to his head, He tries to hide Jake but Mary puts a blow to Frank’s head and leaves him and his Grandparents dead bodies behind and escapes with my baby.
“She took Jake, they’re all dead, except for Jake and she has him.” I screamed as this headache of a film played again and again.
“I need to get out and find him! I can’t let her have my baby! She can’t have Jake. He already took the life of Frank, not Jake too.” I screamed, still burying my face in my hands.
I felt their presence get thicker as Heather hugged me tighter. I could feel her emotions too much for her to bear also. I could feel she was hurt and worried, and that she cared. I felt it.