Rehab Romances

The Sad Part Is I Dont Even Know Your Name.

“You Must Be Ms. Emily Hansley”
“Yeah. And?” I questioned that lady that tried to be nice. She must have gotten it a lot from rejects like me cause she just brushed it off like it was nothing and smiled.
“We have been expecting you. Would you like me to show you around?”
“Eh. Not Really. But since your getting paid to do it, I guess I have too.” I said.
“Well, okay then.” I knew she thought that I was a bitch and she couldn’t stand me already. He walked down various halls and she showed me around various rooms as my parents followed trying to assure me that this was the best answer.
“And here is where you will be staying” she said as he open a door to a small room with two beds.
“ You will be staying with a lovely girl named Heather. I think you guys will get along well.” She said as she examined me. I walked into the room and put my bags on the bed that was now mine. My parents said a final goodbye and walked away with the freaky bitch. I started pulling out posters and magazines from my bags. I could tell that I would NOT get along with this girl too much. She seemed to be a neat freak prep. Anorexic I’ll bet. I guess I only assumed that she was not like me because everything was in order. All was perfectly placed. There was only one picture on the dresser of a boy. Probably her brother or cousin, who was in the military, Maybe her boyfriend. Who knows? I started putting up posters on my side of the wall. Before long you couldn’t tell that the room was once a cyclone of green and pink stripes. At least on my side. After awhile of lying on my new bed and staring at the fabulous decorating I’d done, I finally met Heather. She wasn’t even close to what I expected. She was worse. She had bleach blonde hair and probably weight between 50 and 60 pounds, at the most. I almost puked. She looked like she almost did too.
“Like, who the Hell are you?” She asked in a very preppy tone. Her voice was high and she said “like” after every other word.
“Who wants too know?” I asked casualty and I played with my Ipod.
“Ummm, like, Me.”
“Oh. That’s right. I have a roommate! Too bad for you though. For the next year you’re going to be dealing with me!” I smiled at her and began to ignore her.
“ Wha…What did you do to the walls?” She said surprised as she looked at my random Punk Rock and Hardcore Metal posters.
“Oh that? I decorated. Like it? I was going to hang some stuff from the ceiling but then I thought that bats and spiders might freak you out too much.” If there was one thing I liked about meeting new people I don’t like, it’s that I try to make them think I’m a crazy ass, mental bitch. At this rate, it was working.
“Well, Im going to look around a bit. Don’t touch my stuff okay?”
“Yeah, like I would want to.”
“Don’t die now.” I said sarcastically from the hallway. If anything, I wanted her to die.
“Maybe if I poked her in the arm it would break. Maybe I should just blow on her. That might kill her.” I quietly laughed at the thoughts in my head. I turned the corner and saw a soda machine. I realized that I was thirsty so I pulled out a dollar from my bag and went over to the machine. I was kinda disappointed that they didn’t have Monster, but would you really want energy drinks in a place like this? I know I wouldn’t. I noticed that my ipod wasn’t working so I pulled it out to play with it as I walked down the hall. I really wasn’t paying attention. That’s when I turned the corner and ran right into someone.
“What the hell?” He said as we ran into each other, my water spilling all over us.
“Oh My God. I’m so sorry.” I said, then I caught a glimpse of him. He had short black hair and had the most gorgeous hazel eyes I had ever seen. He helped me up and took a look at me.
“Its Okay…I’ve never seen you here before. Are you new?” He asked.
“Uh…Yeah. I just came in today.”
“Ha. What you do?”
“Enough.” I joked. I should have asked him why he wanted too know and turned around and ignored this nosy bastard, but something kept telling me to talk to him.
“Yeah, me too. My grandparents sent me here. They caught me cutting and thought I was crazy.”
“One of the many reasons I’m here.” I said back. I didn’t know if he took it good or bad cause he really didn’t have any expression on his face. But, he must have seen my wrist cause he asked when I did it. I told him about my parents and how they thought I was a horrible kid and how they didn’t understand what happened to me, and I told him about how I had cut because of them. I didn’t understand why I was just opening up and telling my life story to the kid down the hall. Then he began talking about his life and why he cut. He told me about how his parents both died when he was little because of drug overdoses and how he was living with his grandparents all his life. I almost started To feel a connection with this boy. After about an hour of talking he finally realized that he had told me his story.
“The sad part is I don’t even know your name yet.” He giggled.
“Oh, I’m Emily. I hate my name though.”
“Ha. I’m Frank. What would you rather me call you?”
“Um…I don’t know. Anything I guess.”
“Well Anything, I think we are going to be very good friends.” He joked. I smiled at the joke. I heard someone call down the hall for us too move. I didn’t want to end my conversation with Frank. I felt safe around this boy I had just met. I felt as if we had known each other for along time and that we had been best friends all out lives. He said that he had to go and we said goodbye. I walked back to my room to find it empty. I also found my water bottle empty. I hadn’t realized that all my water spilled out on us. I smiled and changed out of my wet black tank top and put on my Mistfits shirt. I lay on my bed again listening to my ipod, thinking about Frank. I didn’t understand why he was comfortable opening up and telling his life story to a complete stranger. Maybe he felt that I deserved a story in return for mine. I was thinking about how perfect he was, and how he just listened and didn’t interrupt me. How he seemed interested and how he was concerned about my cuts. That’s when I realized that I might have feeling for a complete stranger.