Rehab Romances


I woke up late the next day. I jumped out of bed and got changed. I put on my black jeans and a Red element shirt. I grabbed my bag and went searching for Frank. I thought that he was with his friends at the card table from yesterday, so I checked there, but there was no Frank. I didn’t know where else to look. I just wondered around, and I still didn’t find him. I even dared to walk down the hall from the night before, but I still saw no sign of him. I guessed he was still sleeping or something. I found the room I was in the day before, writing my letter to Tyler. I had my book on me so I thought I would finish. I opened my book and found my note. I finished it and decided to go back to my dorm. I knew Heather wouldn’t be there because she was always gone from 9:00 to 3:00. I still don’t know what she was doing, or where she went, but she had been gone the same times everyday. I trudged back to my dorm, slower than usual because I thought I might be able to find Frank. I got to my dorm and looked around before I opened my door. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye as I walked in. It was a note. It read:

Once Again I’m sorry for last night. I didn’t know you would hear. But, I was looking for you this morning. I guessed you weren’t up. So I thought you could meet me at my room, since you hadn’t been there yet! I’m in room 366. I’ll be there until 4 cause me and the guys are gonna play a round again. You can come to that too. Well see ya there.

I got so excited. I grabbed my bag again and ran out the door into the hall again. I started running towards the hall with the 300 rooms. I finally got there and knocked on the door.
“Hey! Its Missy!” I said as the door knob started to move. The door opened.
“Hey!” Frank said as he kissed me on the check. I walked in to see that his room was similar too mine. I also saw Gerard playing with his cell phone sitting on his bed on the other side of the room.
“I tried to find you this morning.” I said cheery.
“I tried to find you too.” He laughed.
“So, what did you want?” I looked at him innocently. Gerard looked at me with a smile on his face and left the room. Frank said bye and closed the door. He came over and sat on his bed next to me. I looked him.
“What?” I asked.
“I don’t know. I wanted to see. I wanted you too know I’m over Mary. But I wasn’t sure that you would believe me.”
“Oh, baby, I believe you.” I smiled. He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me.
“I love you.” He said.
“I love you too.” He smiled at me. I finally realized what he wanted. I sighed and put my head on his cheek.
“You want to start from where we left off yesterday don’t you?” I whispered in his ear. He giggled.
“Maybe. Do you?”
“I don’t mind.” I said as I sat on his lap. I noticed he had a black and white button up shirt on.
“This is going to be easy.” I thought to myself. I started kissing him again. Before I knew it his shirt was off. So was mine. He started kissing my neck again. I loved it. Everything went so fast, I didn’t realize he was on top of me. He was still kissing my neck. We weren’t completely naked so I don’t know if you could really consider it sex. And the fact that he didn’t get his pants off. My jeans were off but that’s only cause I took them off myself. But, we lay on his bed making out. I had my leg over him and he had his arms around my waist, mine around his. He had his ipod playing some cheesy love songs he downloaded for fun. We must have been there for twenty minutes. I finally pulled away.
“Are we gonna get anywhere soon?” I whispered shyly. He smiled and started undoing my bra. I slid my hands into his pants. And, well, you know what happens next.
After about ten or fifteen minutes, we were lying on his bed making out again. I finally jumped out of my pleasure and pulled away. I jumped out of the bed and started getting dressed.
“What the hell?” Frank asked as I started pulling my pants on.
“No, it’s not you, and it’s not that I didn’t like that and all. I just can’t get into anymore trouble than I’m already in. And, me getting pregnant or anyone finding out about this, could get me in here for way more time than needed. Plus, me getting pregnant would totally make my parents not believe me about the whole reason I’m in here in the first place, and that wasn’t my fault!” Frank was staring at me with a confused look on his face.
“So you won’t have anymore sex with me?” He asked.
“No, I will. Just not yet.” I smiled as I pulled my shirt over my head. I sat on the bed again next to him.
“I love you.” I said and kissed him again.
“I love you too.” He said back. We sat there in an awkward silence for some time until we heard someone knock on the door.
“Yeah?” Frank asked. I stayed quiet.
“Hey, It’s Mary. I wanted to talk to you.” The person said. I looked at Frank, who was still partly naked. He jumped up and started changing.
“One Second.” He called back in an unhappy tone. He motioned for me to hide somewhere. I looked around. I jumped into the closet and shut the door. Frank made sure I was hidden and opened the door.
“Yeah?” I heard.
“I wanted to talk to you about something.” Mary said in a quiet voice.
“What is it? I don’t have all day. Missy’s coming over soon and you being here-“
“What? Missy? Why? Are you guys going out now?” She cut him off.
“As A matter a fact we are.” He said.
“Well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“About what? How I moved on?”
“Yeah.” Mary said and walked into the room. Frank closed the door and turned to Mary.
“Now what do you want?” He asked. Mary looked at him and started to kiss him. I was furious. Frank grabbed her and pulled her off.
“What the Fuck Mary?” Frank screamed.
“I miss you Frank.” She said and started to cry.
“Well, I don’t miss you. I’m sorry Mary!” Frank yelled back. That was it. I had enough. I wanted so bad to just burst out of the closet and kick the shit out of Mary. That little bitch. Mary looked at Frank, her eyes full of tears. She walked past him and towards the door. She walked slowly, like she was waiting for Frank to stop her. She glanced back once more and then left. I burst through the closet and ran to Frank and started to kiss him. I couldn’t believe her.
“What’s her problem?” I asked.
“I don’t know. She’s just a bitch.” He said and kissed me back.