Rehab Romances

Don't Scare Me

“So you did steal him from Mary. You admitted it!” One of them said.
“I never said that.” I said quiet quickly.
“You said you had sex with him!”
“…Did not.” My voice quivered with fright, although, I was overdoing it a bit. In a way I was happy they knew cause then the fact I might be pregnant could go around.
“Huh, wait until Mary hears about this one.” Another one snorted. I wanted so badly to strangle them all. What right did they have to spread my personal stuff to others? I glared at them and jetted out of the room. I wandered around the hallway until I felt the presence of someone watching me. I could hear footsteps behind me.
“Don’t turn around.” I told myself and ignored it. I quickened my step a bit. I soon felt arms wrap around me. I jumped a bit and turned around faced by the face of my lover.
“Hey.” He smiled. I pulled away and slapped him on the arm.
“Don’t ever do that again. You scared the shit outta me. I though I was gonna get killed by Mary and her cyco friends.”
“Ha. Like I would let that happen.” He said and grabbed me again and kissed me.
“Well, everyone is gonna know.” I sighed.
“I accidentally let it slip that…uh…”
“Oh. Nice job.”
“Sorry.” I squeaked.
“It’s okay.” He smiled. I pulled away once again.
“I’m sorry. I have to go.” I whispered and headed for my room.
“Yeah?” I asked and turned around.
“I’ll see yah tomorrow?” He smiled. The way he asked made me blush.
“Yeah.” I smiled back.