Status: work in progress

From Where I'm Standing, We Have Everything

Chapter 3

“Peyton,” came my boss, Reid’s, voice. Got to love how she doesn’t knock.
“Yeah,” I said, barely looking up from my computer.
“I need you to do something for me.” Of course you do.
“Yeah,” I replied blandly.
“I need you to cover the Jonas Brothers concert tonight at Madison Square.” My eyes shot up.
“What?” I almost started to laugh. In high school Blaire and I were obsessed with the Jonas Brothers, their attempted comeback had become like a joke in our apartment.
“You know; their comeback tour. I need you to get them to sign with us for the new album.”
“Uhm, don’t they have their own label?”
“Does it matter? Get them to sign with us and you can hand pick the five main acts for Summerfest.” Summerfest is one of the biggest gigs that anyone in the music industry could ever manage. It’s five days in Los Angeles, all expenses paid for by the company. Getting to pick the five main acts meant I would get to showcase some of the bands I had personally signed and it meant I would be in charge of every person in the music industry’s dream show.
“How do you expect me to get to them exactly? I mean their concerts used to be packed with fan girls, what is to say it won’t be even worse now?”
“The company has two backstage VIP passes. Take that obnoxiously loud girl that is always calling here, I don’t care, just get it signed.”
“Okay,” I could barely get the word out before she walked out.
Just as I was about to pick up my phone to call Blaire, her ringtone blasted out of my iPhone. “Holy shit! Holy fucking shit! You are not going to believe this!” I said as I answered this.
“Did you just shush me? Don’t shush me! I just got two backstage VIP passes tonight to guess where,” I paused.
“No. No. No!”
“I know what you’re going to say and no!”
“The Jonas Brothers? How do you know that I was going to say that?”
“Because guess who I am dressing today!” She whisper screamed.
“Yes,” She continued to whisper scream.
“Why are you whisper – Are you in the wardrobe closet?”
“…Maybe.” This is what Blaire does when she doesn’t want to deal with stuff at work. She hides in the farthest corner where “last season’s” clothes were stored because no one went back there.
“Wait! Did you see them yet?”
“Did Joe recognize you?!”
“I don’t know. I don’t think so. That was so long ago, but he was so friggin grumpy when I saw him so I don’t know if it’s because he recognized me or my name or what.”
“Bee, he doesn’t even know you go by Blaire now. How would he recognize the name?”
“The last name!”
“Sweetie.. a lot of people have that last name. And besides, he only knows you as Bee.”
“Oh my god! Do not make me go tonight!”
“If he doesn’t recognize you all day, I doubt he will tonight.”
“Mother fucker. God dammit!”
“Someone just knocked on the door, didn’t they.”
“No,” her voice got lower.
“Is he.. Is he in there?!”
“I doubt he can hear me.”
“Shut up!”
“I’m hanging up now. Relax.”
“Don’t—,” I clicked end, sighing.
♠ ♠ ♠
hello again mibba world.