Status: Just a one-shot.

My Last Day As His Slave

My Last Day As His Slave

"Pass me the remote."

I twitched.

It was right next to him!

I clutched the silver tray to my chest and gritted my teeth. The only words running through my mind were:

'Don't Kill Him. Don't Kill Him. Don't Kill Him.'

This silver tray looks so tempting being hit over his face. I could literally drool out of the mental image.

"Jane! Pass me the damn remote!"

I wiped the corner of my mouth, grabbed the remote, and handed it to my 'Master.' Yeah, master, but just 2 hours 45 minutes and 36 seconds left! I beamed at the clocked. Then my eyes turned puppy like.

Why so slow? GO FASTER! FASTER!

"Jane, what the hell are you doing?"


"You've been jumping around, hands in your chest.are you cheering or something?"

I thought about it.

"I think I am."

I was feeling way too light headed to say anything else. Jumping can really take it out on you!

Wait, you guys are probably still lost.

I'm Jane Winestock, and that stupid guy over there who told me to pass him the remote control that was no farther than the table next to him, is Luke Skylight.

Yes, I was also bumped out once I found out it wasn't Luke Skywalker, but who can blame his parents?

Anyways, the reason I am passing him the damn control, referred him as Master, and cheered for the clock to go around faster is because I owed him something.well actually I got blackmailed by him because I.did something very stupid. So in exchange of that, I had to be his own personal servant.everyday.including Saturdays!

Yes, Saturdays? He should go back from whatever medical school he came from.

And not only that, that bastard is richer than the dude who made Skywalker himself (even if he's dead, you get my point)! And his 'good' looks just cherish him. Well at least all the other girls say that, I beg to disagree.

If my dad ever saw him, I think he would take him into that small barn we own back over in the the animal that never lived there. Yup, I would too! Of course if my mom ever saw him she would probably make him her new slave. That doesn't sound bad either, now that I mentioned my mom.

Anyways, he said today was my last Saturday and my shift ends in about 1 and a half. It's been pure hell. Having to stand that stupid excuse for a man and live up to my life is hard. Luckily that will end soon! No more math tutoring, no more having him to pick me up at my house, no more getting glares from the jealous girls cause I'm walking with him in the hallways, no more cleaning up rooms, no more make-overs (he thought I could look better.well then screw him!), no more NOTHING! WOO!

I did small circle over to the kitchen and sighed in satisfaction.

No more Luke.

Wow, I can't believe I just said all of those stuff. I looked back to see him watching t.v., lazily plopped in the couch, his blonde hair sticking up in every angle and he was wearing normal cloth, like any other teenager. I looked back at the bracelet he gave me.

It was a pink with neon orange. Yes, it is very ugly. He gave it to me saying it was a reminder as to who I was working for and I couldn't get it out, only he had the combination to get this wannabe terrorist off my wrist. He would have to take it off.

I frowned.


Am I going to miss him?

Me? Miss Him?

Holy crap, I will!

Not like I wont see him in school, anyways..

Holy crap, I'm gonna miss him!

I can see him every Monday to Friday.

Holy crap, what is wrong with me?

We do have almost every class together..

Holy crap, I'm gonna miss all of the stuff we did!

I quickly turned around hiding my blushing face.

Have I fallen in love? Then I might as well throw myself off a bridge as well.

I looked down at my pedicured feet.

Before him I never cared of my looks. I would go to school with a pair of jeans, some normal shoes, and a boring t-shirt. Nothing fancy. I had my cellphone, but only my few friends would call or text me.

Ever since I became a part of his life these past months, he literally dragged me to a salon saying potential was lost in my being, and dragged his big sister to shop with me, saying he could not bare to see me in such costumes. He bought me cloth I could only afford probably if I wanted to live in a cardboard box the rest of my life.

Now it's all gone. No more nothing.

I gritted my teeth.

Why the hell should I be worried? He doesn't seem the least affected by my departure from his daily activities. Why should I care. I sighed. No point in trying to view it through his point of view, his brain is better left dead.

I smiled. Silly me. Love? Really?

I walked up to the sink and started washing up the tray and plates around.

"I really am I fool.if I ever thought of the concept of love with Luke."

I was so engrossed in my thoughts and my heavy breathing that I did not feel a soul walk into the room, neither the hands place right next to me.

I only kept rubbing harder, that stupid bastard.

My breathing was becoming heavier as I used more unnecessary energy into the task.

"Then would I be a fool into falling in love with you?"









I..still..can't breathe..lack...of...oxygen..mind...blank...soap...plates...lizards..

"Tell me Jane," he cooed into my ear, "would I be a fool into thinking I could fall for you and then I could make you fall in love with me?"









Planes...rainbows...bubbles..coke...paper...bubbles..-wait I already said that. I CAN BREATHE AGAIN!

"So, Jane?"


I can't find the words! What do I say?



He placed one kiss in my neck and that just set the fireworks fly around freely all around my tummy.

"I-I also l-l-l-ik-"

"By the way," he held up tape next to my face, his face still buried in my neck making me blush more than the blushing I am doing now, " I know what you did with Irma last Friday, at the lockers, that would probably equal up to 4 more months more of service from you part, unless you want the principal to find out who did those precious drawings."


But even though I had stopped breathing, and started hyperventilating, a big smile was formed on my inside.
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I really enjoyed writing this one-shot. Thoughts? Mistakes? I'd love some feedback on this.
- Nana ♥