Status: This one is going on fast, I already have a few chapters written, This next week I'll Update

Light of Things

That's Matt For Ya!

Out of nowhere there were lights of cars brightening the room. He looked up nervously before pushing me softly off his lap. Once on his feet he rushed his basketball shorts on. I was too confused to do anything so I just sat there on the floor naked and staring up at him, just as fast as he stood up, he sighed and I knew that it was all good.

He went back to me and started picking my clothes.

“c’mon, get dressed,” he pulled me up to my feet “Shay would have a fucking field day out of seeing you like this,” he helped me put on my shirt;

“well look at the green monster crawling out of Mattie’s neck,” he laughed sarcastically;

“not jealous,” he said pulling my pants up to my hips “I’m not a jealous man . It’s just, Shay’s unexplainable,” I put the cushions back in place as he grabbed his shirt from behind the couch;

“as “unexplainable” as he is, do you think he’d go against you. I mean: you could literally rip him to pieces,” I said buttoning up my shorts;

“my physical strength doesn’t compare to the other kind of power Shay has,” he said as Brian, Aly, Zacky and Gena walked in;

“he’s not one of you guys, is he?” I whispered up at him. He looked down at me and shook his head;

“no, but you’ll know more when you have to, we’re doing too good for that right now,” he said into my ear before turning to the guys “what are you guys doing here? I thought you were coming back tomorrow,” Shay, Jimmy and Johnny had joined us.

“Matt, you should go back home,” Zacky was trying to tell him something calmly but it was clear that something was wrong;

“why?” Matt was already suspicious;

“your dad…”Zacky didn’t even finish and Matt was already out the door. I looked at everyone nervously, Matt hadn’t left my side since he caught me so I hadn’t been alone with them, obviously. No one had hurt me but if it hadn’t been because of Matt, Shay would’ve already had his way with me;

“what?” I asked after a few minutes of them staring at me;

“nice sex hair,” Jimmy spoke making them all laugh and making me blush hard, I looked down hiding my smile and flipped him off.

“what happened to his dad?” I asked softly;

“minor heart attack,” Zacky said turning on the TV;

“is he okay?” I asked trying to disappear as Shay’s eyes traveled up and down my body;

“he’s stable but he wanted to see Matt,” Jimmy said. Shay stood from the armrest of the couch and walked closer. Jimmy stared at us carefully, he put his hand on my wounded hipbone and leaned closer. I know my eyes poured fear as I never took them off Jimmy’s blue ones;

“yanno,” he said into my ear “with Matt gone we could finally have some fun,” he said against my neck, I gasped when he kissed it softly. That’s when I snapped back to reality and pushed him away before rushing to the basement and closing the door behind me. I sat on the top step against the door and cried. He hit a place in me that I had hidden for so long. Bad memories resurfaced and I could only imagine what kind of shit my mind would put me through from now on.

A long while later there were knocks on the door, I gasped and stared up at it frightened.

“Tere, it’s me Jimmy, open up,” he was pushing the door slightly. I stood and he was able to open the door. I walked down the stairs and he not far behind me after closing the door. “you alright? You kind flew like a bat out of hell, or something,” he asked as I sat on the mattress;

“yeah, I… I’m- Shay makes me nervous,” I said softly;

“yeah, well… he’s not going to do anything to you. None of us will allow it,” he sat a few feet away from me;

“have you talked to Matt?” he nodded;

“mofo broke every law known to men and is already in HB,” I chuckled at the way he spoke, it was so different from anything I had ever heard. Also, I will always wonder what HB stands for.

“Jim, can you call him? I’d like to know about his father,” he gave me a questioning look but nodded;

“sure,” he slipped his hand into his pocket and brought out his phone. He dialed the number and handed it to me;

“yo,” my heart sped out of control at the sound of his voice alone;

“Matt,” it was almost a sigh of relief;

“Tere!” he replied shocked “shit, everything okay? You aright?” he whispered into the phone;

“yeah, just wondering how your dad was, Zacky told me he had a heart attack,”

“yeah, he’s better now, just wanted to see me. Look, I’m gonna go back soon, tomorrow morning, I promise,” I closed my eyes feeling the fear creep over my body.

“Shay’s weird, Matt. I don’t want to be alone with him,” I, almost, admitted fear. Still I didn’t technically say it;

“I know, keep away from him. The guys won’t let anything happen to you. Let me talk to Jimbo real quick,” I handed the phone to Jimmy and started the odyssey of biting my nails down to the bone;

“okay, dude. Will do,” Jimmy handed the phone back to me.

“yeah?” I said softly;

“listen to me, lock the door from the inside, Jimmy’s gonna lock the other one, only him and Zacky have keys and they’ll probably knock before going in so you don’t freak out. Don’t open the door for anything. I’m not feeling very well, I can’t drive through the night so I’m gonna stay here and be there first thing in the morning, okay?”

“yeah,” I wanted him back but it really wasn’t a moment to be a spoiled little girl. I had to behave.

“try to sleep,”

“I will, ‘night,”

“night,” he said softly before hanging up. I gave Jimmy the phone;

“you’re gonna be fine. He can’t get close to you,” he said standing up “you hungry?” he asked as he walked up the stairs. I shook my head earning a stern look from him “I ate!”

“don’t lie. Little girls that lie don’t go to heaven,” he patted my head. I gasped and slapped it away;

“neither do big boys that get beat up by little girls!” I pushed him out;

“stop, listen!” he turned around “don’t open the door for anything I’ll try to check up on you regularly,” I nodded and continued pushing him out;

“fine, go away. I’m tired,”

“that’s Matt for ya!” he laughed

“ew go away, you’re disgusting!” I pushed him out the door “actually no, come back!” I pulled him back in “get me something to wear in Matt’s closet,” I gave him my puppy eyes and he groaned;

“fine, lock,” he disappeared and I did. I sat at the top of the stairs and waited. A few minutes later knocks broke the silence:

“yeah?” I said softly;

“it’s me open up!” Jimmy said and I smiled. After Matt, he had been the closest to me. I even thank him for making it easier for me here. Yeah, Matt wasn’t always sweet and caring. He wasn’t hurting me but wasn’t taking any of my shit either.
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