Status: This one is going on fast, I already have a few chapters written, This next week I'll Update

Light of Things

Proven Fact

A blonde tall girl opened the door. If the resemblance to Matt wasn’t so clear I would’ve turned right around and forgotten all about it but I only smiled politely as she stared at me in shock;

“Matt, get your ass here right now,” she said to which I chuckled softly. He appeared with a defensive look plastered on his face that was until he saw me and his expression changed drastically. His mouth hung agape as he looked down at me, I just couldn’t help but smile even with the anger I still felt towards him.

“Te-Tere, this, Amy, Teresa; Tere this is my sister Amy,” he couldn’t take his eyes off me;

“nice to meet you, Amy,” I stretched my hand out towards her;

“same, um. I’m gonna leave you two alone… uh, I will call you later, alright?” she said after shaking my hand;

“uhuh,” Matt said still dumbfounded by my presence. She kissed his cheek and walked pass me “um, sorry… come in,” he was trying so hard to be his strong self but was failing miserably;

“thank you,”

He led the way to the living room where I had once sat before waiting for him. When everything seemed perfect but we didn’t know that the lost of Jimmy would lead to losing everything else.

“you want something to drink?”

“sure,” I said avoiding his eyes, it was inevitable. I had a reason for coming so far away and it was not to fall for his beautiful hazel eyes;

“okay, I’ll be right back,” he left and I just stood there looking at the pictures on the mantel. I felt him come back and turned around to receive an ice cold Heineken.

“thank you,” I walked away from him because feeling the heat of his body alone was addicting. Over the walls were more pictures of him with the guys, Jimmy, Amy… he was such a family man, it was such a sweet side of him;

I silently sat on the couch and saw a few more pictures, those were ours. I smiled and flipped through them.

“I like this one,” I said more to myself. We stood in front of the huge window of his room, I kissed his cheek as he smiled widely;

“you can have it, I have another in my room,”

Finally I looked at him and took a deep breath, I could easily forget about everything and jump on him and let him make love to me like before but if there’s one thing I learned throughout life is to not leave loose ends.

“I guess you want to talk, right?” he sat next to me;

“nope, I want to listen,” he took a deep breath and looked away for a moment;

“alright…” I’m sure he had practice a thousand times what he was going to say but I’m sure he didn’t expect me to be here actually willing to listen “yanno that I was with my ex for 15 years…” I nodded “well, we lived together for 7 of those year, in which I made a lot of money and bought a lot of things and I was naïve and most of those things were on her name including my parent’s house cuz when we first started her parents gave us a loan and our parents house was what they would get if we didn’t pay back in a year, which we didn’t until a few years later, so when we broke up she didn’t want half of the things, she wanted everything, this house, cars and their house…” I still had a hard time figuring out when my dad came into the picture “her lawyer is Eric Matias…” my eyes widen, there’s the missing link “who’s your father’s lawyer as well, so they gave her 15 mil to drop everything and all I had to do to maintain all my things was to take you and keep you away for 6 months,”

I didn’t take my eyes off his as he spoke;

“I really didn’t do it for the money, not even for my things, I know I would be able to get back on my feet in no time, I did it for my parents… they built that house up from nothing, they’ve lived there for 32 years I just couldn’t let that happen,” I nodded biting the inside of my cheek “I’m sorry,” he apologized again;

“I told you to never apologize again,” I said softly “there were other things you could’ve done,”

“not really, if I tried to change lawyer, call the police or reach you they were gonna take everything instantly and they were personally threatening me because I knew too much,” the single thought of anyone doing anything to him angered me even more. So my entire rage was set on my father “so I did it, I watched you for a month, every little detail of your daily routine and took you. I told you I didn’t think it would matter, things just changed,” he finished saying softly;

“okay, I’m glad to know you had legitimate reasons still you could’ve told me the moment you did it,”

“couldn’t do that either. That’s what Shay was there for, he’s Eric’s son and he was sent to make sure you didn’t find out. After he was gone I was just afraid to tell you,” he admitted fear, I believed that couldn’t happen.

“okay, now that that’s covered, I have a deal for you…” he waited for me to continue, “I’m gonna get my father to give me 60% of everything he owns, he just has to pay for the damage done one way or another,”

“what damage, Teresa? I didn’t do anything to you,”

“oh really? Have you any idea how I spend my evenings Matt?” he shook his head “double checking doors and windows, I haven’t stayed alone in my house since I got back, I can’t even walk out of my house without looking over my shoulder every two seconds, I’m fucking paranoid!” I said strongly;

“okay, I don’t want you lose it, I’m sorry,” I took a deep breath and looked away from him, his presence alone did so much to me;

“did you cash the check?” he shook his head;

“it’s still in big bear,”

“Okay, I need that, I’m gonna get a meeting with my father and his lawyer and you will get a yearly percentage of it for helping me,”

“I really don’t want any of that, Tere… I just want you back,” I looked at him in shock, I was so cynical I annoyed myself;

Matt, you’re never going to get me back. I didn’t come here for a reconciliation, I came here to know your reasons and talk about the deal,” I stood and walked away from him knowing that if I didn’t he’d get to close little did I know he’d follow close;

“you didn’t come here all the way from LA for that alone, you came because you know I love you like crazy and you love me too,” he pulled on my hand;

“I don’t love anyone, I’m incapable of loving and it had worked for me my entire life you didn’t change it. What I felt for you was an attraction that I confused with love until I found out you worked for my father and realize it wasn’t,” I fought with teeth and nails to not fall for him;

“not true,” he placed his hands fell on my waist “you still blush when I tell you I love you and you’ve worn that bracelet since you got it,” he knew me so well, I swallowed hard and tried to pull away from him just to find myself against the wall;

“the human body reacts the same to love and rage, proven fact; and the bracelet it’s cute but if you want it you can have it,” I went to take it off when his hands framed my face…