Status: This one is going on fast, I already have a few chapters written, This next week I'll Update

Light of Things

Area 51

That afternoon Matt told Benji everything, from Val to my father’s deal and how’d he had taken it. Benji understood and realized that as long as I was happy then he was too, just wishing that I hadn’t gone through so much pain and shared Matt’s angered towards my father, Matias and Shay.

A few weeks later Matt had gone back on tour, as much as it had sucked and as much as I wished to go with him, I had other things to get over with like the meeting with my father where I would strip him of practically every right he has over Hills Hotels, something that if I didn’t do soon he’d die and leave it all for charity instead of giving it to my mother or I to manage, of course his selfishness has no boundaries.

”hello Mr. Matias, how are you doing in this fine afternoon?” I spoke into the phone;

”what do you want, Teresa?”

”aw, you sound so sad! I bet you thought you were finally getting rid of me, really sucks to hear my beautiful voice again, doesn’t it?” Gregy rolled his eyes at my sarcasm. I walked back and forth over my living room trying to control the urge to insult the shit out of him;

”how may I help you, Ms. Derulo?” I bet he was trying to hold himself back as well;

”you can start by telling my daddy to cancel everything he has for January 14th. You, him and I along my team of lawyers have a little something to discuss,”

”I have nothing to discuss with you, nor your lawyers and I’m sure Roberto won’t either,” I could tell there was an incredible amount of trust between these two, but as well there was some serious backstabbing that I had found in my individual investigations.

”alright, something to discuss… lets rank this up, just to see if it’s enough:

15 years for rapture and abuse of an individual;
50 years for fraud of each structure, health, safety and employment code of 240 hotels;
Over 30 years for attempted murder of an underage girl and the murder of an unborn baby…
I’m studying laws as a minor, so you wanna keep fucking with me or are you going to set the meeting? Cuz you may only be an accomplice to all this, but if you sum it up it still is way over 20 years,”

“fine! Fine, you have the meeting, just know you will pay hard and strong for threatening us,”
I could only laugh, he actually believes there’s anything left for them to do;

“I’ll pay hell and I know it, but you will pay for the things you did to me. If I go down, I won’t go down alone,” my jaw clenched when he spoke again, his voice brought all the rage I had been able to control in the past;

you should’ve died the first time around, so sorry that your bastard child took every stab instead and I will let you in a little secret: Sanders doesn’t have an idea what’s coming to him, he should’ve followed instructions and by now he would’ve gotten rid of us…” that was it, to talk about Sam was one thing, to enjoy her death was even more painful but to threaten my future totally does it;

I could lose control right now, yell at you and insult you but… just so you know Mr. Matias, this conversation is being recorded and anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law,”


“bye Eric,”
I hung up and smiled at Gregy who just stared at me in shock;

“I’m afraid you will get killed some day,”

“nothing can kill me,” just then my phone rang again, this time a much pleasant voice was heard;

“hello?” I sang cheerfully and walked away from the living room and into my room;

hello future Mrs. Sanders,”

“sweetie, you have no idea how bad I want to be that,”
I lied back on my bed, he was so ready and I was still so scared;

“you know it’s in your hands,”

“well, Gregy already made the sketch for the dress and that’s how far I can see the wedding going, I just don’t know what else I could do, I don’t really have much of a dream wedding, so I’m just taking shots in the dark here,”

“I think you should let Gregy plan most of it, I bet he has a dream wedding,”
I just couldn’t picture a wedding planned by my flamboyant friend who’s idea of elegance is fuchsia and turquoise taffeta to wrap me in.

”I don’t want it to be too over the top,”

“it’ll be anything you want it to be regardless of who plans it,”
the only thing hard about this relationship, aside from his massive muscles and my head, is being away from each other for such long periods of time but it only made us stronger, I forced myself to trust him and so did he to me;

”baby, I miss you,”

“I miss you, too, little girl,”
I turned on my side on the bed and practically saw myself under him, squirming out of his hold, moaning his name as he made love to me… I nearly sighed at the thought of it, that last night before he left had been amazing;

”mmm… I need you, papi,”

“fuck, don’t say that,
he groaned ”I’m surrounded by idiots,” I laughed and bit my lip;

”fine, I’ll change the subject,”

“thank you,”

“I have the meeting,”
my body went cold, what a horrible way to change the subject;

”ooh boner kill!” I laughed;

”I know, still, it’s for January 14th,”

“okay, did you go to Big Bear?”

“nope, I wanted to wait for you, yanno… relieve the trauma with you,”
and there we go again, what is it with us and sex that it becomes impossible to speak about anything without it coming present;

”I’m sure I really traumatized you,” he was in a much quieter place, maybe his bunk or the back of the bus;

”mmhmm, you really fucked me up,”

I chuckled softly before sighing;

“Sanders, what did you do to me? My brain is like hooked on you, I can’t do anything without thinking about you practically since the moment I met you!” he laughed softly;

”and what, do you think it’s easy for me? I’m like a fucking teen, babe. Anyone says your name and I’m blushing like an idiot, I’m made out of cotton when it comes to you,” I laughed, my heart skipped a beat when he spoke, it was inevitable, he’s just so amazing!

”Matt, for reals, you want to marry me? I mean, there are so many things wrong with me, I wouldn’t even know where to start… what if you don’t like my cooking or something?” he laughed;

”baby, I’ve already lived with you. I love your food and your work habits, I know you need your privacy, at least an hour a day, I don’t mind cuz I like it too, I know sometimes you freak when you have a lot of work on your back and you don’t quit until you’re all done, so for those early hours of the morning I’ll wait for you in the basement,”

“I knew that would come in handy,”
for some reason, whenever I talked to him, I smiled like an idiot to a point even my cheeks hurt;

yeah, nice call. But I wonder, what if you don’t like me, you haven’t been with me during studio time, I’m an asshole, when it’s my time to work. I hate to even speak when I’m supposed to be writing cuz I totally forget every word known to man…”

“baby! You’re fucking perfect! Alright. I love you and I know we’ll work every little misunderstanding out. We’ve waited so long to be together it would be ridiculous to let simple things like those be the end of us, I will never let that happen,”
I hope he believes me, I highly doubt that I’ve ever been this honest in my life;

”you need to listen to yourself more often, baby, I’m (hey lover boy, sound check) fuck you shiffer!” I laughed ”I gotta go, little girl,”

“okay, baby. I’ma go to the hotel. I’ve been receiving complaints all day,”
I stood from the bed and went inside my closet to search for the outfit of the day;

”alright, be safe. I’ll call you as soon as I’m done,”

“okay, baby. Whenever you want. I love you,”

“I love you, too. Bye,”

I walked inside my hotel, like usual there was someone waiting for me to sign some paper, or some tourist that wanted his/her picture taken with the heiress that’s on the cover of this month’s cosmopolitan. Yeah, my life is not as bad as I made it look, at least not right now.

“Ms. Derulo, there’s a couple on the 7th floor that’s causing quite a riot,” the hotel’s supervisor came to me with the list of complaints. My eyes went wide when I noticed that since late last night, all the rooms on that level and most from the one underneath had complained.

“how- why?” was the only thing I could ask;

“it’s their honeymoon,” she smiled, I instantly chuckled.

“I’ll get right on it,” I went into my office, and to my computer and to the system of the hotel “Kacey could you please get me the top suite ready?” I said into the phone;

“right away,” a few minutes later she appeared with the key;

“I’ll be right back,” I got in the elevator and a couple of minutes later I was in front of their room. Now, either this man was some sort of beast, like my beautiful fiancé or she was a virgin… either way the backboard of the bed was suffering most of the pain and of course the girl was not so far away from being beat up into a bloody pulp. I hated to be the one interrupting them but I had to before people started changing rooms and eventually leaving, so I knocked on the door and waited when the sound abruptly stopped.

A few seconds later a man in his mid twenties, light brown hair and medium built body opened the door in a sweaty shaky mess. He was panting and his chest and face were beet red and of course his mouth hung agape when he saw me;

“I’m sorry to bother you, Mr. Wales, I have kind of a gift for you and your wife,” I told him, his wife joined us at the door way in a robe and I figured she could not be any older than 20 years old. I told them about the suite that was in the top floor, they’d have more privacy and it wouldn’t be a cent over what they had already paid.

I went back to my office and received Kacey:

“they’re already settling in,” she walked inside and sat in front of me “now, why’d you do that?” I chuckled;

“well, did you hear that I’m getting married?”

“I don’t believe anything anymore,” she shook her head;

“well, this time it’s true,” I showed her my ring, “if I’m obnoxious and loud as it is, how will I be during my honey moon?” she laughed;

“maybe you should go somewhere where no one knows you,” I raised an eyebrow with a smile, I hope she also knows where, “maybe Area 51 around dead Valley. I’m sure the aliens don’t know who you are,” I laughed again;

“what if they’re like in South Park and they have Satellite TV?”

“then you’re screwed…
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh God, we're so close to the end!