Status: Two Shot!

The Cemetery's Rose

Part one

I look out my wide window and stare into my front yard. Fog covers the yard in a thick blanket. I see the outline of a small boy leaving the mansion grounds. I sigh.
“What did he want?” I questioned out loud.
A Loud knock filled my ear drums, shocking me out of my thoughts.
“Come in,” I say softly, but loud enough for the person behind the door to hear.
My maid walks in and curtseys before me. Her short legs bending underneath her long brown skirts. I nodded to her, motioning her to get up and speak.
“Yes?” I question her.
“Miss Milila, the post boy gave me a letter. He said it was to be given to you. He said it was urgent,” My maid said in her thick foreign accent.
She held out the letter and I grabbed it gently from her hands. The envelope was thick and pure white.
“Thank you. You may go now,” I say gently to my maid.
My maid curtseys again and leaves me alone to read the letter.
I finally look at what was written on the envelope. My green eyes widened and my breath escaped from my body. My world goes dark as I tumble onto the floor. The last thing my eyes see is the pure white envelope with my brother’s hand writing on it.
My dreams are filled with my brother. Most of them are good, happy memories. He was playing with me at the pond that was behind the mansion. Him teaching me how to be a proper duchess, him buying me a horse and teaching me how to ride it like a proper lady. My brother was very kind to me. Even when he had his bad days. After his long days of training with our father my brother would always come and play with me. He never took out his anger on me.
But one day that all changed. My brother had asked for a day to himself. My father had agreed. He told me he’d play with me when he got back. But he never came back. Father sent out police officers and investigators to search for him. But they never found him. All they ever found was a piece of his royal blue coat down by the river that was located outside of town. We had a funeral. But the coffin only had that one piece of coat in there.
My dream was filled with me running through the damp dark streets screaming my brother’s name.
“Jonathon! Jonathon!” I screamed, my voice getting hoarse.
I wake up with a jolt. My breath rushing through my lungs again. My eyes flutter open. I look around me. I stand up and brush the dust off my blood red skirts. I bend down and pick up the letter. I carefully open up the envelope and look inside. There’s only a piece of parchment. I take the parchment out and read it.
My dear Milila Rayne DeLuna,
You have probably have already recognized my hand writing. But in case you haven’t this is your brother. I know it’s hard to believe, with everyone thinking I’m dead and all. But I’m not dead. If you want to know more meet me at my grave at midnight. I shall wait all night.
Your brother,
Jonathon DeLuna
Tears were forming in my eyes. They slid down my cheeks and onto the paper. I folded the parchment up and put it back into the envelope. I walked toward my fireplace. I stare into the orange flames. I took a deep breath and threw the letter in. I didn’t want anyone to find out that my brother was still alive. Jonathon had to have a reason to keep hidden, to make people think that he was dead.
I turn away from the fire and walk to my closet. The day had just begun and I needed to get dressed. I found a nice purple and red dress. I pulled to satin fabric over my head and down my body.
There was a knock and my maid came in.
“Miss Milila! Where is your corset? And you haven’t put on your stockings yet!” My maid exclaimed.
I sighed and put up my arms. She pulled dress off of me and grabbed my dull gray corset. She tightened the strings and I could feel my lungs and rib cage collapsing.
“Please. Loosen the strings a bit,” I pleaded.
My maid huffed but obeyed. The strings were loosened a bit and I could finally breath again. My maid walked into my closet and picked a pair of plain white stockings. I extended my leg out to her and she slipped the stockings on.
“Alright miss. You wanted to wear that dress? I’m afraid you can’t. It isn’t proper for the market trip you’re taking with your mother. How about this dress?” She asked pulling out a baby blue, ruffled dress.
I wasn’t too thrilled with the dress change but I nodded my head. It could be worse.
“Okay miss. When you leave just make sure that you put on this hat,” She said handing me a hat that matched my dress.
She left my room and I sat on my bed. The hat was hanging limply in my hands as I pondered about the letter.
I just couldn’t believe that my brother was alive. But he faked his death for a reason, I do know that. He wasn’t the type of person to just randomly ditch his life.
“Milila! It’s time to leave!” My mother was shouting up the staircase to me.
I laughed silently to myself. If there was one thing my mother was good at it was yelling.
I ran out of my room and down the stairs.
“Miss! Your hat!” My maid reminded me. I smiled at her and put my hat on. I stepped out the door and went towards the carriage. My mother was already in it.
“Here you go Miss Milila,” Said Ayden, our carriage driver. I smile at Ayden as he grabbed my hand and helped me into the carriage.
Ayden was born in my mansion. His mother was my mother’s maid and his father took care of our horses. We’ve been friends since we were little. My parents don’t mind me being friends with me. I think it might to do with the fact that I don’t have any friends but him and my family. But I don’t mind. They like Ayden and so do I.
“Wait Ayden! I need to talk to you!” I say just before I get into the carriage.
“After Lila,” Ayden says.
I smile at the nickname. I nodded and finally got into the carriage.
I was going to tell him about my brother. I want him to go with me tonight. I trust him with my whole being. I knew he would go with me and make sure I was alright.
We arrived at the market. Ayden helped my mother out and I scooted over so I could get out. Ayden grasped my hand and helped me out. His hand stayed on mine for a moment longer than necessary. I smiled at him. My body was growing warmer by each second.
“Milila! Let’s go!” My mother yelled to me. I looked at her. She was already in the middle of the market. I looked back to Ayden and smiled.
He let go of my hand and said, “Have fun Miss Lila.”
I nodded to him and went to join my mother.
My mother was looking at the fruit when I walked up to her.
“What do you think, Milila? Grapefruit? They say it’s the fruit of love,” She said smirking.
“Grapefruit is good. But I’d prefer strawberries if you don’t mind,” I said a little confused as to what she was trying to say.
My mother sighed and got some strawberries.
The carriage pulled in front of the mansion. My mother got out, carrying the basket with her.
“Milila, dear? You should go check on the horses,” My mother said to me as I was climbing out of the carriage.
“Alright mother,” I said walking to the back of the mansion.
Ayden followed me. He was walking two of our horses back to the stable.
“Lila? What was it that you wanted to say?” Ayden asked once we got to the stable.
I turned around and faced him.
“My brother sent me a letter-“ I started but Ayden cut me off.
“Your brother? But he’s dead. Are you feeling alright Lila?” He asked reaching out to feel my head.
I pushed his hand away and said, “No I’m not sick! My brother sent me a letter and he wants me to meet him tonight at his grave stone. Can you go with me? Please Ayden,” I pleaded with a small voice.
Ayden was silent for a few seconds.
“Alright. But I’m only going to protect you. I don’t want you to go and end up meeting someone else and getting hurt,” Ayden said crossing his arms.
“Thank you Ayden!” I exclaimed running up to him and throwing my arms around him to give him a hug. He hugged me back. I felt my face heating up and butterflies flying in my stomach. I was getting really confused with how my body and mind was acting when I was near Ayden.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was originally a one shot. But it was 9 pages long! So I cut it in half. This is the first part!
Sorry for any grammar/spelling errors!
Comments would be so nice!