Status: On a small break until the first few games of the playoffs are over I'm a nervous wreak...hahaha let's say after first game of each serries I'll update

She Smiles Like She Doesn't Care


Today was just like every other normal day I was slowly working on making my body work again after 2 months of being out with a concussion, I was just wrapping up my first week back of practicing being on the Ice when a young reporter who looked like she couldn't be any older then myself approached me.

"Hi, Mr. Crosby my name is Lucille Holt and I'm with CBS Pittsburgh, I was wondering if I could have a few moments of your time?" She asked.

"I don't see why not." I said grabbing my bag and motioning over to a table by the window.

"All right well I am just an intern right now so if you don't feel like answering any of my questions that's fine." She says smiling up from her purple notebook.

"Alright, what's your first question?" I ask.

"What have these past few months been like being out with this injury?" She asks.

"Well it's been like I've told every other interview that it slightly sucks being away from the team not being able play but I would much rather be healthy again then to go back too soon and have something worse happen ." I explain to her.

"Yeah I totally understand." She says looking at me and I notice how interring her blues were.

"Shouldn't you be writing this down?" I ask confused that she isn't writing down anything I say.

"Nope I don't have to." She laughs pulling an iPhone from her lap and then I see she has a voice memo recoding.

"Oh I see well do you have any more questions?" I ask willing to answer more.

"I know that you've been asked this millions of time and I'm not going to lie I look it up daily, but is there a chance you'll be back anytime soon? She asks.

"Well at the moment I’m just going day to day and doing what the doctors say, I know that there are mixed messages going around that I'm done for season or that I'm retiring but at this moment I'm just saying I plan to be back before or for the post season." I say.

"That sounds like a good answer." She says looking back at her notebook.

"You really don't sound like a reporter are you just some crazy fan pretending or
something?" I ask giving her a serious look that makes her laugh even more.

"I wish I could say I wasn't a reporter but I really am one I just try to make it fun. My first job was for Alternative Press which is a music magazine and it's a lot less serious then interviewing athletes." She says.

"That seems interesting why'd you leave it?" I ask now intrigued to know more about her.

"Hey I thought I was the one interviewing you." She laughs.

"Well yes but I like interviews which are more like conversations because I don't feel like everything is about me." I say.

"Oh yeah I'm the same way when I'm interview people. “She says.

"Well I feel like this interview is useless I only have like 2 good questions." She laughs.

"Alright well it was nice meeting you and if you think of any other questions you can probably find me here." I say standing up.

"Well thank you Mr. Crosby it was a pleasure talking to you I'm sorry if I wasted any of your time." She says standing up and offering a hand out to shake.

"Oh no you didn't waste any of my time and call me Sidney Mr. Crosby makes me feel like I'm my dad or something, and it was nice meeting you Lucille." I say laughing and shaking
her hand.

"Okay well I hope to see you around sometime." She says walking away from the table and hoping this wasn't the last time I'd see this girl.
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A new idea I'm working on just thought I'd post it instead of it taking up space in my phone.
