Status: On a small break until the first few games of the playoffs are over I'm a nervous wreak...hahaha let's say after first game of each serries I'll update

She Smiles Like She Doesn't Care


This game must have been the slowest two hours of my life. I kept looking down from the box and seeing Lucy sitting down near the Ice behind one of the goals and I slightly wished I wasn’t the famous Sidney Crosby and I could go sit down there with her and not be stuck in a box having to her deep conversations about what was happening with the game, I could really care less right now it's not like I could really make a difference while sitting up here.

The game finally ended and Mario came up to me and handed me what looked like a business card, which in fact it was and read Lucille Holt with her office and cell phone number along with her email and twitter I guess working for the news they want you to have a twitter to keep viewers informed. I took my phone and decide to give her cell number a text.

Me- Hi :)

Lucy- Umm Hi, who is this?

Me- This is Sidney.

Lucy-Oh hi Sid, how did you get my #?

Me- Mario gave me your card once you left the box.

Lucy- Well that was nice of him.

Me- Yeah it was, but I was wondering if you were doing anything now that the game is over.

Lucy- nope I was just planning on going home and watching something on Netflix’s.

Me- Oh that sounds like fun.

Lucy-Yup tons of fun, you could join if you'd like.

It took me a moment to decide was she being serious would she really let me come over to her place after meeting her twice but I guess what the hell and I send her a response.

Me-I'd love to join you.

Lucy- All right well meet me out near the Players entrance I have my press badge so I can get back in.

Me- Will do.

I made my way out of the locker room where I had gone to tell the guys congratulations on the win. I made my way out of the player’s entrance where I say Lucy making her way in.

"Hey." I say walking up to her.

"Hello again." She smiles.

"So would you like to get out of here?" I ask.

"Yes I would, I can’t believe you accepted my offer to go watch a random movie at my place for all you know I could still be a crazy stalker fan just saying I'm a reporter." She laughs.

"Well I guess it's a good thing you’re so small because if you try anything I could break you in half." I say laughing.

"I'd like to see you try Crosby." She says winking.

"Well Holt I would but I don't think you want to be broken in half." I laugh.

"Very true, well I took the bus here to I don't know how you would like to go to my place. “She says.

"Well I have my car here, so I can drive." I say waving my keys around my finger.

"Alright I'll tell you how to get there." She says following me to my car. "I feel like your kidnapping me." She laughs.

"Well we are going back to your place and you’re coming with me on your own free will, so I don't really think its kidnapping." I say opening the passenger door for her.

“True.” She tells me getting into my car.

“So which way do I go?” I ask as we pull out of the lot. She gives me the directions across down on to a nice looking building which I assume she lives in.

“Alright we’re here.” she says as I pull up to the building garage.

“Where do I park?” I ask.

“Oh you can use my spot I don’t really own a car so I just have an empty parking spot, let me unlock it for you.” She says climbing over the center console and into my lap where I can smell her rose scented perfume.

“You smell really nice.” I say realizing I had said my thought out loud.

“Oh well thank you, it’s Dolce and Gabbana the one rose.” She says still sitting on my lap rolling the window down and entering a code on the keypad. “Okay it should open now.” She says rolling the window back up and about 2 seconds later the door starts to open.

“Do you think you could move off of my lap, not that I don’t like you there I just can’t see to drive.” I say.

“Oh yes sorry, forgot I was in the car.” She laughs climbing back over into the passenger seat. She directs me to her parking spot and then shows me the way to her apartment. We make our way to the 11th floor and to a door labeled 1126 when she stops and unlocks the door.

“Now I warn you, you might get attacked when I open this door.” She says turning to look at me.

“Okay, Should I be afraid?” I ask.

“No.” She laughs opening the door and to my surprise a somewhat small dog leaps and jumps onto me covering me with kisses.

“Oh who’s this?” I ask picking up the dog.

“This is Edie.” She says petting the dog’s head.

“What kind of dog is she?” I ask.

“She’s a French Bulldog she’s my little frenchie.” She says laughing at the dog trying to lick my face.

“Well she’s adorable.” I say handing little Edie to Lucy and looking farther into the apartment.

“Make yourself at home I’m going to go change; I’m not really a fan of wearing pants when I don’t have to.” She says turning away from me.

“Oh well feel free not wear pants around me.” I say and she starts laughing.

“That’s not what I meant, I mean I like wearing sweats or yoga pants I hate wearing jeans unless I have to.” She says.

“It’s okay I know what you mean, but if you don’t mind is it okay if I run back down to my and get my gym bag now that you’re talking about your dislike of jeans I don’t want to wear mine.” I say.

“Oh yeah that’s fine but just know if I’m walking around pant less you can too.” She laughs.

“Alright maybe later.” I say.
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to update there may be another update tonight because I have the next part typed up and ready to go I'm just not quite sure I'm too tired to stay up or night I did work a 10 hour today that was full of three 60 sandwich hours.
and if you want to know this is Edie
I'm currently in the process of convincing my parents to get a French Bulldog their just sooo cute we have always had pugs and we still have 2 our oldest died back in October but in June for my moms birthday were going to get a puppy and my dad wants another pug but I want a French Bulldog but if I cant get one I'm getting one when I move out.

But I love for people to Comment & Subscribe :) I already have 21 Subscribers with 2 parts and I wanted to say thank you to everyone.