Status: On a small break until the first few games of the playoffs are over I'm a nervous wreak...hahaha let's say after first game of each serries I'll update

She Smiles Like She Doesn't Care


I spent the day trying to find somewhere to go to dinner and being oh so creative I decided on the cheesecake factory because I did love me some cheesecake.
I had finished my light workout and went to my doctor check and got the update that my condition was still on day to day.
I made my way home and decided to take a short nap before I would get ready and pick Lucy up for dinner.

Lucy's POV.

What was I doing agreeing to go out to dinner with Sidney I hardly knew him besides the hockey stuff, sure he seemed like a nice guy but I honesty knew nothing about him. I really had nothing to do today except for sit around on my ass so I thought at around 2pm it would be a nice time to take Edie for a walk before I had to get ready for my date with Sidney.

Edie and I must've walked two miles before the two of made our way back to the apartment where I give her a treat and she runs somewhere into the apartment and I go off into my room to get ready. I walk into my closet honestly having no idea what to wear so I decide on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and nice black tank top that has some lace detailing on the back I also pulled out a pair of shiny black pumps and then go onto to a shower. After getting out of the show I hear a knock on my door and Edie starts barking and I look at the clock thinking it couldn't already be 6pm so I throw on a bathrobe and check the door and find not Sidney standing their but my on and off fling Alex standing there.

"Alex what are you doing here?" I ask confused about him being here.

"I missed you Luce," Alex says pulling me into a hug.

"So that means that you just show up at my place in Pittsburgh that's a few hours away from
Baltimore." I say pulling away from the hug.

"Well the guys and I have a show tonight here, and I was wondering if you'd like to come? “He asks.

"I wish I could but I have a date tonight." I say.

"Well our set doesn't start till 10:00 if you want to stop by I'll add your name to the guest list plus one." he says walking away and I close my door.

I walked back inside with a lot going through my head there was so many thoughts fighting each other and I had no idea what to do, I did know though that I was going to go out to dinner with Sidney but was I going to bring him to Alex’s show tonight I had no idea.
Thinking about Alex made me want to throw up the two of us had a pretty big past together we were pretty much best friends.

I had moved to Baltimore from Toronto when I was 12 I knew nobody here except for the boy with big eyebrows who sat next to me who ended up becoming my best friend. As time went on Alex and I had become pretty close well that was until high school that’s when I realized I was falling for Alex but he had other plans, he was into the whole party scene which I didn’t fit into very well I was the only underclassmen on the school newspaper, on yearbook staff and I was pretty much the quiet girl who sat in the corner and wished I could be as outgoing as Alex was. Alex and I had grown apart all together by junior year but I still did lust over him, but at this point he had fallen for a senior girl cheerleader named Lisa and she was something I couldn’t compete with what so ever this is where things go slightly downhill.

One of my new friends I had met when Alex and I grew apart was Stashia one night she decided we need to get out of the house and go to a party we ended up at the Gaskarth’s who lived down the street and was also Alex’s house. I have never been to a party before so I had no idea what to do but Stashia handed me a red cup and told me to have some fun, it wasn’t long before I found Alex and we started talking one thing lead to another I blame in on the cup and we ended up in his bedroom. He told me he missed me and didn’t know why we were no longer friends and that he wanted to be close again so I decided to let him back into my life and as I told him that he decided to kiss me.

Over the next few months we had started a secret relationship that only we knew about but over time I grew upset with this plan there was nothing I wanted more then to tell people he was my boyfriend but I couldn’t I was the other women as the world would see it because he still had the oh so perfect relationship with Lisa.

Once Lisa moved away for college Alex told me that he had broken up with her and that we could finally be together as an official couple well that lasted about three weeks when Lisa came back for a long weekend and of course Alex had her back in his arms he told me it was just for a few days and then he would be mine again when she left and me being stupid believed him. Lisa had left again and things started to go back to the way they were between Alex and me but I pushed it away and decided to ignore it.

Over time though Alex went back to his partying was and I was left in the dirt he became a king of one night stands and still excepted me to be with him, when little did I know he never did break up Lisa I was still just the other women in his life I was nothing better than all his one night stands the only difference with me was that he kept coming back for more.

As time went on I decided to focus on my school work as much as possible and graduated a semester early and just took of not telling anyone where I was going I didn’t end up going far though I ended up still living at home with my parents and going to Towson which was about 15 minutes from there but none the less I was away from high school and Alex he had his band to worry about and there was no way he would be going to college.

I went three years without seeing Alex and I had forgot about him pretty much minus the fact that he was my first everything but when I got offered the internship in Pittsburgh I thought it would be my chance to forget him all together that was until I met Lola she was another intern at the station and decided my second night in Pittsburgh she was going to take me to a concert with her and less than thrilled when I saw Alex step on the stage and our eyes met and I couldn’t think of anything better to do than run. I ran home and guess what he followed and ever since that night he’s been trying to patch things up between us but I can’t let him. So was I going to go to his show tonight I don’t think so I’m going to go have a fun time with Sidney and not think about Alex what so ever.

I finished getting ready at about 5:30 and deiced to sit on the floor and play with Edie some. A little while later I hear a knock on the door and I open it to see Sidney standing there and I smile and pull him into a hug and telling myself in my head thank god it’s not Alex again.

“Hey Sid.” I say still hugging him.

“Hi.” He says smiling and pulling out of the hug.

“So where are you taking me for dinner?” I ask.

“Well it’s a surprise.” He says.

“Alright let’s get going.” I say pulling my purse off the table and locking the door.
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So I don't really know what is up with my idea's I'm kind of in a All Time Low high right never because I realized that I'm seeing them in just under 3 weeks and they are good again because Jack and Holly broke up but yeah I know this I'm writing a Sidney Crosby story but I just wanted to make in somewhat interesting so I decided throwing some Alex Gaskarth would do.

I am so sorry I was gone for like a week but I promise to try and update every few days I've just been so busy with work and school that I slightly forgot about mibba.
