Phoenix High

Latin Class

Latin class. God I hate latin class. What's the point of learning a dead language? We didn't need to learn stupid stuff like this at my old school in Colorado.

Geez, I miss Colorado so much.

I didn't want to leave Colorado. I loved it there. People actually liked me there. I was actually extremely popular in my old school. Well, maybe I was, semi-popular; but thats beside the point. I was perfectly happy there, but no, dad had to go and get a new job. If you can call sitting inside of a cubicle selling paper clips a job. I don't call that a job.

Now what I do, is a job. Or, what I used to do that is. I was a waiter at Chili's. Yeah, it was a hard job at times, but I thought it was worth it. All I had to do was:
1. Pick up order
2. Take order to kitchen
3. Check on table
4. Deliver food
5. Check on table
6. Pick up check.
And in between doing all those steps, I have to do the same to a few other tables. And deliver dri-

"Mr. Garner!" yelled the teacher (whose name I have yet to find out), "stop staring at
your desk and vocally translate what I have written on the board!"

"Mr. Teacher sir! I have never taken a latin class in my whole life! At my old school in Colorado, this class wasn't required. And I just got here, in the middle of this semester!"

"My name is, Mr. Bork, not 'Mr. Teacher sir'," he told me sarcastically, emphasizing the name I had given him using those stupid little quotation marks with his hands.

"Yes Mr. Bork." I say, almost robotically, trying not to laugh at his stupid name.

"I want you caught up to the class by the end of the month." He murmured, looking me in the eyes.

I nodded, and he went back to teaching in his dull monotone.

By the end of the month? Thats in like- lets see, today is October 20- eleven days! Great, now I practically have to learn a new language very quickly, on top of all the other subjects I have to catch up in!

So far, my day has really sucked. I told Kate that I was the biggest loser in the school, Godzilla fell in love with me, and now this!

I think that I'm gonna cry.
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