Phoenix High


Maybe I was wrong. Maybe today will get better. After latin class, there was chemistry, then came lunch. Lunch was, by far, way better than the lunches at Rocky Mountain High!

At RMH, we had little selection of food, but here, whoa. They had an uncountable amount of various chips, drinks, cake, cookies, sandwiches and more! And they were all neatly arranged on large racks which were aligned along the walls. And in the middle of the room, on little stands, were fingerprint scanners! At RMH, we had to pay cash, and now, all we had to do was stick our finger on the scanner. I walked up to the little scanner, which was hooked up to a flat screen monitor, scanned the bar codes on my food, and stuck my thumb on the scanner.

I was ecstatic. I had always wanted to be at a school that used these. Scanners are so much quicker than having to pay cash to grumpy old ladies. And here I was, standing in front of one of these amazing inventions, reading:
"Chris Garner:
SOBE Life Water--------$1.00

Chicken sandwich--------$1.75

Lay's BBQ chips----------$1.00

Double chocolate chip cookie-------$.50

Total------- $4.25


Mom and dad actually did something right! They put $100 into my account. They haven't been that nice to me in, forever! Maybe I'll say, "thank you," or something like that to them when I get home. Well, maybe not.

I stopped staring at the computer screen and looked up. "Whoa," I said out loud, stopping and standing there in shock.

I had been to entranced by all the food to notice just how many people there were at Phoenix High. At RMH, we had about 400 people in our student body. Here, there was at least triple that! The "Lunch room", was as big as about 4 gymnasiums put together. There were at least 500 big, round tables, which were in the colors of orange, light blue, and white; the colors of the "Falcons".

I was about to sit with a bunch of rejects, but decided not to, and went to my car instead

There was an exit of the lunch room near the scanners, which opened out into the huge parking lot.

"Crap, now where is my car?. Probably the ugliest looking one out there."

Well, I shouldn't be that mean to my car. It wasn't that bad looking. Even though some of the black paint had peeled. Also, It never (sometimes) breaks down, yet best of all, it gets amazing gas mileage! Despite the noises it makes.

Geez, where is she? I know I parked my car right over there, second spot over from the left in the fifth row.

"Hey, whats your name?" asked a guy's voice right beside me.

I jumped in surprise. I looked at him. He was as tall as I was, (5' 9") had long, straight red hair, kind of pale, and was wearing a yellow polo shirt over his blue jeans. "Jake, what about you?" I answered.

"I'm Seth," he said smoothly while shaking my hand. "You wouldn't have happen to uhh..have seen my car, have you? It's a black camaro, with white racing stripes."

"That one? Over there? The one right beside-wait, thats..MY car! How'd she get over there?" I yelled, almost blowing out Seth's eardrums.

"I don't know man, that's creepy. Well, since we are both going to our cars, you want to have lunch with me in my car?"

I wanted to tell him no. I just wanted to go spend time with myself, feel sorry for myself, and wish I was back at RMH. But, like the idiot I was, I told him "Sure."

As soon as I said those words, a huge smile spread across his face. He put his arm around my shoulders and off we went to his car.
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