Phoenix High


"Wow, you look gorgeous Amy." I whispered, looking over at her while I was driving.

"Well thank you Jake," she giggled, "you don't look too bad yourself."

It was true, I did look good. I was wearing a purple polo from Hollister, my super clean jeans, and I had done my hair in that messy, but yet, not too messy kind of way. I spent over an hour getting ready, and here I am, driving Amy over to the theatre.

Twenty minutes later, we got to the theatre.

The movie pretty much sucked, not that it surprised me, since it was a chick flick. I wasn't paying much attention anyway to it, I was more interested in Amy.

I wanted to put my arm around her, but, I was so nervous that she would see me and be like, "no." So I got smart. I put my arms in the air, and pretended to yawn. I think it worked, cause she didn't notice, I think. Oh well, if she noticed or not, it didn't matter. Mission accomplished!

Now, to hold her hand. Hmm, maybe if I were to time my movements correct, that when she put her hand to the popcorn...AHA! I got it!

I waited for her to go for the popcorn, and when I saw her move her hand for it I looked at the screen, faking intense interest. Slowly, I moved my hand to the popcorn. Sweat was beading on my forehead. Alright, here goes nothing. I put my hand in the popcorn. And it was gone! I looked over at her, and she was already munching on her popcorn. Crud, I was too slow, so I moved my hand back and waited for her again.

She did it again, and this time, I put my hand on hers; still pretending to be grossly interested in the cat fight playing out on the screen.

Amy just looked at me, then at our hands. I didn't know what she was thinking, so I put my fingers in between hers and closed my hand. And VOILA! We were holding hands. I just hope that she wasn't upset or anything.

She was just sitting there, looking at me, and slowly, a small smile crept into her face. She kissed me on the cheek, and relaxed, holding my left hand while my right was around her, slowly pulling her close.

I don't remember what happened next, next thing I knew was I was back at her house, and was about to walk her to her door. I got out of my car, the light mist falling upon me. I walked around, opened Amy's door. She grabbed my hand, and we walked up to her door. We just stood there, looking at each other. And slowly, our faces moved closer together and we kis-

"Wake up loser!" Seth screamed, slapping the back of my head.

I really hate Seth right now. That wasn't just a dream. That really happened, before I moved here.

And it wasn't just any dream. It was of dream of Amy! My first kiss! It is my all time favorite night, and Seth slapped me at the best part of it.

"I hate you Seth, I really really do." I growled. My eyes were still closed, I opened them and saw people leaving the room, and Seth looking at me, ecstatic.

"Well isn't someone in a good mood? Schools over man! You slept through all of english!" He yelled, jumping up and down.

"Couldn't you have waited, just a minute?" I mumbled.

"No, you looked like you were having too much fun over here, so I woke you up." He said, a huge smile on his face.

I got up, grabbed my backpack, and left the room.

Grumbling, I said, "yeah, I kind of was."
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You know what to do. =]]