Hellsville Orphanage


He pounds at the door once again, “I mean now!”
I roll over in my bed ignoring the shouts, “Screw you Bob!” I mumble into the air.
The door swings open revealing a highly ticked off Bob, “What did you say to me?!”
“I didn’t say anything so suck it. I’m going back to bed.”
“No you’re not you’re on kitchen duty now get up!” He tears me from my bed throwing me onto the floor.
I hit the ground with a thud, tears welling in my eyes and rage surging from within. I wanted to retaliate; I wanted to make him feel the pain that he and everyone else had made me feel. Plain and simple, I wanted him to suffer… He grabbed my forearm pulling me up and shoved me against the wall pinning me there so I couldn’t move, tears were streaming down my face as I was thrashing. I kicked him in the leg and he raised his hand as if to strike, I closed my eyes expecting the pain but when I didn’t feel it make contact with my face I allowed myself to peak and saw the man that I love had stopped his hand inches from my face. It wasn’t until then that I realized I had been holding my breath; I exhaled and let out a sob. Bob had let me go leaving, mumbled something incoherent then stopping at my door,
“When you stop your blubbering both of you need to go to the kitchen, and take Katherine with you since she seems to be glued to your side.”
“Yeah whatever, we’ll be down.” Adinn mumbled just loud enough for him to hear and with that Bob left.
I fell into his arms crying. He just stood there for a few moments allowing me to cry rubbing my back not saying anything. It was nice, he never tried to fix everything because he knew there were some things that just could not be fixed, but all the things that could, he did. And that was why I loved him.
He placed his finger under my chin lifting my head up, his eyes were pleading; searching for something to say… but the twinkle in his eyes said it all, everything I needed to hear was right there in front of me. The way he held me, the way he smiled, the way he would push a strand of hair from my face… the way he could say everything without saying anything at all.
“When we get out of here,” he said, “I will make sure that all the pain and suffering you have endured is made up for.”
“You don’t have to make up for anything they have done to me, because as long as I have you, there is nothing that can go wrong.” I gaze up at him
He kisses my forehead and gazes into my eyes “But I am going to, because I want to, you deserve it.”
I looked around the room to find my little Katy huddled in a corner crying, I touched her cheek “Katy sweetheart, are you okay?”
She looked up at me with sad eyes, threw herself at me and sobbed, “Devi… I hate him…. Please don’t leave me here…”
A pang of guilt and anger surged through me because of how easily Bob scared her. I will have my vengeance, even if it is the last thing that I do.
Adinn walked over to the both of us, and wrapped his arms around little Katherine and myself. “Katherine, you need not worry your pretty little head.”
“Adinn, what do you mean?” she sniffles looking at him
“What I mean is that Deviana and I won’t be here much longer only a few more months and we will be eighteen. If you have not been adopted by then, how would you like it if she and I adopted you? You wouldn’t have to stay in this hell hole any longer, and you would be able to stay with us.”
Her eyes lit up like the adorable little girl she is, “Do you really mean it, honest and true?”
I held her still trembling body close to mine, “Honest and true, honey.”
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comments would be greatly appreciated! :)