Status: I just finished this story. I'm sad now. Please flood the comments and rate this! It all would mean the world to me! <3

Life Without You




"Damn mailman always waking me up." I said putting on my robe and walking outside

"What do you want this time?" I said squinting my eyes because the sun was to bright for my hungover eyes.

"I have a certified letter for you; sign here."

What could this letter be about?

I sat down on the couch and braced myself for whatever was in the envelope.

Dear Adam Giovanni,

Your mother, Carol Giovanni has been let out on probation. Although you are not allowed to stay with her another relative has offered to let you stay with them in your old hometown so that you will be able to take part in your Senior year. This also means you will not miss out or fall behind. Although you may feel like a free man, you are not. We as a court know the troubles you got into. You will be having monthly checkups to see if you are sober and anytime you get into trouble at school we will be notified as soon as possible. If you do happen to do one or both of these things we will take care of you in a place you will not want to be. I hope you follow these rules. Also, for now you will not be able to see your mother. Your Grandma Cara will be picking you up three days before your Senior year will start. If you have any problems please call the number below. I hope you enjoy a little bit of your life back.


Court Official Lacey Johnson

"HOLY SHIT" I said walking over to my dad.

"Did you know about this?" I said holding up the letter.

"Yes, I kind of helped set it up because I didn't want you to live like this, like me. And your Grandma Cara will take great care of you."

"Thank you dad." I said hugging him then running to my room.

After a few minutes of packing a thought raced through my head.


I rushed to my desk with a pen in my hand ready to write.

"Shit, why am I in a rush to write this, the mailman won't even be here until tomorrow."

I grabbed my phone calling the first person I thought would have her number, James.

"Hello?" James answered

"JAMES, hey its Adam, real quick do you have Kassi's number?"

"Woah, Adam? I feel like I'm talking to a ghost, you never call anymore."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, do you have her number or not?"

"Maybe, but she doesn't want to talk to you."

"And how the hell would you know?" I said and before a reply I heard a giggle that I for sure knew was Kassi's.

"You know what James, screw you! You are with her? Oh and by the way, I'm coming back to town, back to school. I can't wait to see the two of you."
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't if I like this chapter or not. But I hope you guys do!
Are you surprised that Adam is coming back?
what do you think now?
Suggestions, Do you think I should keep the letters going or have chapters like this and text message conversations? Give me ideas.

I love you guys

-erinthepoet9 (: