Status: I just finished this story. I'm sad now. Please flood the comments and rate this! It all would mean the world to me! <3

Life Without You



Dear Adam,

I guess you didn't read my letter. The father figure I have for Aden is James. I bet you guess that by now, but yeah. I wish I could have told you in person but we both know how that would go. While you were on the phone with James I heard you freak out, but I also heard you say you were coming back? I'm not sure when you are coming back here but I really do hope that you get this letter. I've been thinking lately. Although I don't want to get back together with you, I do want you to see Aden, if you even want to see him that is. When you come back to school we can talk about all of this and if you want to completely shut me out, that is fine too I would understand if you wanted too. But I just wanted to let you know that James and I didn't get together to hurt you. We honestly just kept meeting each other and the worst times and we made each other be okay once again and I didn't think about it being more then friend like but things happen. And if you think James if a bad guy, I'll disagree with you because since you left he's been sober and hasn't done anything else bad. People change Adam; and I hope you're one of those people.


P.S. please contact me when you get into town. I'd love to see you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woah, can you say a change of perspective for Kassi?
Do you like the "new" Kassi or do you think she should shut him out of her and Aden's life?
comments pleasee!! (:
