Status: I just finished this story. I'm sad now. Please flood the comments and rate this! It all would mean the world to me! <3

Life Without You



**Kassi's POV**

After a few days of waiting for a possible letter I woke up to a letter taped on my front door. Adam had been here. Adam was back in town. I was a slight bit excited until I remembered all that had happened and moved myself from that excitement. I braced myself for the letter and then opened it.

Dear Kassi,

You could say that I was pissed; but pissed isn't the exact word. I was more like spitting fire from my I was a demon or something. I don't understand how you could do that to me. I mean I was happy that Aden was going to have someone to act as a father figure I just didn't know you would pick one of my friends. To me I thought that James would not have started to date you because you know "Bro's before hoes". Not that your a hoe or okay I'm going to stop digging myself into a massive hole. I also don't want you to get hurt. I know what James does to girls and you may think that he has changed but that is just James. Wait until that baby is out of your stomach and you'll see the real James. I hope your ready for it because I don't want you to get hurt. I am coming back; well I am already back. The court moved me into town to live with my Grandma just so that I could finish up school. I wanted to come and see you but I didn't think you were ready to see me so I just dropped this off. I hope you won't get mad. I have changed but I don't think that you still won't be able to accept me. I guess that is okay. My number is the same if you ever want to talk. I guess I'll see you at school?

I really do hope that you are doing okay, Kassi. And please take care of yourself.



Something was up; had Adam changed or is he faking it? "Love, Adam"...That didn't sound like him.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO! What do you think about Adam saying "Love, Adam"? Do you think that is a big deal? Do you think he really does love her or do you think he's just trying to get on her good side?

I love you guys! (:

-erinthepoet9 :D