Status: I just finished this story. I'm sad now. Please flood the comments and rate this! It all would mean the world to me! <3

Life Without You



**Kassi POV**

First day of school

"Wake up Kass. First day of school. If you get up now, you never know Aden can come anytime this week." my mom said while waking me up from a deep sleep.

"Hey mom?" I said leaning up

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Would it be wrong for me to give Adam another chance?"

"Oh no now sweetie I'm not going to answer that question for you, it's all up to you."

"Well thanks for you help mom" I said as she began to walk out of the room

**Adam POV**

"It's a new day. Things could change" I said to myself while looking into the mirror.

I was about to walk out of my room when my phone rang.

It was Justin.

"What do you want?" I said

"Dude, I want you not to be mad at me"

"Well good luck with that." I said right before hanging up

A few seconds later my phone rang again.

Without even looking at the name, I answered saying "What the hell Justin. I just hung up the phone with you!"

"Umm this isn't Justin, it's Kassi"

"Holy shit; I'm sorry."

"It's okay but um Adam...I kind of want you to be apart of Aden's life. Not like as my boyfriend but as his father and I want you to be there when he is born. Justin won't be in the delivery room but I want you to be in there. it for Aden?"

"I will. Only if you want me to. I mean I want to but I don't want you to feel like I am forced to be in there and be in his life."

"Nope, I don't feel forced. I'll catch you later. I gotta get ready for school."

"Okay, see you then Kassi."

When I got of the phone I was jumping around and I got in the best mood ever. I was in such a good mood that I ate my grandma's oatmeal without complaining that it was too lumpy.