Status: I just finished this story. I'm sad now. Please flood the comments and rate this! It all would mean the world to me! <3

Life Without You



***Kassi POV***

Dear Aden,

It’s officially your eleventh birthday. I’m sitting here in the living room at three-o-seven, the exact time you were born eleven year ago. That day was the best day of my life and the worst. I wasn’t always with your father. I loved your father before you were born and then we drifted apart. See your father was taken away from me when I first found out I was pregnant. He wasn’t able to be in your life. Throughout my pregnancy with you he came back around to live in town with your Great Grandma Cara. He turned his life around then. He made it his job to be in your life. He also helped me with getting out of a bad relationship with who I thought would be a better father figure for you. I was wrong, but your father made me realize that. I realized soon after you were born that Adam was the one for me and that was final. We got married when you were only a couple weeks old. We kind of moved fast but it all worked out. Today we are throwing you a big birthday party and I have to get your last birthday present that I know you are going to love. I love you Aden, you are always going to be my baby boy no matter how old you get. I’m glad I got it all figured out and that I’m giving you the best life that I can.


Your mom, Kassi
♠ ♠ ♠
The story will be finished tonight! So keep your eyes open I am posting them right now!!!
Ahh, I'm kind of sad that it is ending. You guys need to floood the comments! it would mean the world to me (:

Please go and rate this for the final time! It would mean the world if I could get it to 10 stars!!! (:

I love you guys! xoxo erinthepoet9