Status: I just finished this story. I'm sad now. Please flood the comments and rate this! It all would mean the world to me! <3

Life Without You



Dear Adam,

I went to the doctors yesterday, they said I couldn't get an abortion. They said it would cause too many health problems and that I wasn't old enough to make that decision on my own. I threated them that if they didn't give me the abortion I would hurt myself and grabbed the nearest tool. That didn't go over so well. They strapped me down on a table and tested me for ever known illness then called my dad to come pick me up.

It really makes me mad that your still not here with me. Why can't you see that I need you? Now you'll probably never come back due to this baby in me. I miss you. Why can't you just come back for me, not the baby?

Adam, when you were here everything was great. People think you aren't for me. They are just judging our relationship by what they see and what they think of you. People these days, they just don't understand.

School starts soon. My senior year and I'm pregnant with a boyfriend no where to be found. You'd think I'd be happy about my Senior year, but being pregnant doesn't excite me. I'm afraid to go back to school. Soon enough I'll look like I swallowed a freakin' watermelon. I haven't really told my friends that I was pregnant. Since you left they thought we were over, but really can we ever be over? Every time we fight some how we always come back together. I didn't talk to them over the break so I've been suffering all on my own. Adam, I love you, I hope you know that.

I love you,
