Status: I just finished this story. I'm sad now. Please flood the comments and rate this! It all would mean the world to me! <3

Life Without You



Dear Adam,

I felt the baby move today. I can't believe I'm really going through with this; especially without you. I'd never imagined I would be having a baby this young. I always thought I'd be out of college, married, living in a place of my own. Now, I'm 17, pregnant, living with my alcoholic dad, living pay check to pay check. Things didn't turn out the way they seemed. I had everything I needed up until the day my mother left and I found out I was pregnant. I don't know what I'm going to do. This baby is going to put things in a terrible spot.

I miss you; more then you'll ever know. Can't you write back? I can't stand not hearing from you. Life without you is stressful. I just don't know what to do. Why did you have to leave? Now I feel like nobody around me understands me. Adam, how many times do I have to write you to show you that I love you and that I'd do anything to be with you.

I love you,
