You Can Run Away With Me Any Time You Want

Chapter 6

Your eyes fly open as you hear your phone ring again. Of course it's Alicia. Only that girl would call you sixteen times and not get the message. You're not answering for a reason. You're tired.

''Hey Ally, what's up?'' You say as you answer your phone groggily, your eyes stinging from lack of sleep.

''How can you be so damn calm?!'' She demands excitedly, you can almost see her jump up and down.

''What do you-'' Thats when the memories come back, your eyes glaze over as an image of Frank Iero pops into your mind. You move so fast that you almost fall out of your bed. ''Oh my gosh i had dinner with My Chemical Romance.''

Alicia screams loudly as you stare into the floor, still shocked. ''He's going to call...'' you mumble.

Alicia stops screaming, ''wait...Lydia...who's going to call?''

''F...Frank...I...Iero. He wants to hang out...''

Alicia doesn't scream again like you expected, she just gasps. ''Oh my gosh Lydia. Go get dressed.''

You hang up the phone and almost fall over again as you rush to your wardrobe, throwing clothes out of your way. Thirty minutes later, after much deliberation, you chose to wear a blue denim skirt and a black t-shirt.

You go to the living room and sit on the sofa, trying not to think too much about Frank. After all, he might not call so you don't want to get your hopes up too high. After a while of mindless TV watching, your phone rings again.

''Hello?'' You answer without checking caller ID, thinking it's probably Alicia or Matt.

'' this Lydia?''

You freeze. ''Yeah...Frank?''

''Yep. I'm coming, give me directions to your place.''

You quickly give him directions to your block of flats and the room number you your apartment.

You can't believe it's happening, why you? You don't realize that time is actually still passing, so when the doorbell sounds you almost jump out of your skin as you sprint to yank open the door.

''Hey Lydia,'' Frank grins.

''Uhh...'' You say stupidly as you stare at Frank, he's wearing a black t-shirt that clings to him, showing off his muscles. You had no fricken' idea that Frank had 'body armour' 'oh my god, he so hot!' you think as you try not to blush. ''Do you want to come in?''

Frank shakes his head and holds up his car keys, jingling them in your face. ''I'm hungry and I want coffee and ice cream.'' He sticks out his tongue, making you laugh loudly.

''Okay then, lets go,'' before you know it, you're in the passenger seat of Frank's car, you have absolutely no idea where you're headed, but you don't care. Come on, it's Frank Iero!
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that I'm like a day late, I've been kinda busy working on a new project. I had no idea that I could write ten stories at a time...maybe I'll post them all on here...but I guess people might get tired of MCR fan-fics... Maybe.

By the way...I just want to thank brigeisfalling and NotxInvited for the AH-MAZING comments :)

-Selina xox