You Can Run Away With Me Any Time You Want

chapter 7

''Okay, so...goose or camel?'' Frank asks as his hazel eyes sparkle. He's been hyper on coffee for about two hours now, you're sat across from him in a booth in Starbucks and he's had more coffee's than you can count.

''What the hell Frank?! What kind of question is that?''

''Uhhh...not a rhetorical one? I don't know! So...camel or goose?''

You sigh as Frank yanks a packet of skittles from his pocket, but you can't help but laugh, he's so damn adorable! ''Okay, goose, I think...''


You think for a second, because lets be honest, it's not every day that you go to Starbucks with a very hyper rock star who keeps asking weird questions. ''Umm, because camels are all...lumpy and stuff...''

''Okay. Next question-'' He grins, his eyes sparkling in the bright light again.

''Wait, don't I get a go?''

''Nope.'' He pops his lips on the 'p'. ''Moose or goose?''

''Are you obsessed with- wait what's the plural of goose?'' You ask stupidly.

Frank shrugs. ''What's the plural of moose? Oh wait! It's meese right?''

You laugh along with Frank, ''no way man its meesi!''

It continues like this for another hour before you get back in the car, Frank had been denied more coffee because he began dancing on the chairs when you mentioned that you hate the film 'Greece,' and now you're banned from going into that particular Starbucks. It's not like you go in there regularly anyway.

''I wanna watch a movie,'' Frank decides, ''you in?''

Of course you nod. You're finally coming round to the idea that Frank Iero is actually here with you, you liking the feeling very much. Right now, you're lost in his hazel eyes, he doesn't know because he's watching the road as he drives. So he should too, he's the most dangerous driver ever!

''How the hell did you get your license?'' You demand mockingly.

He playfully glares at you before swerving dramatically, almost going head first into another car. ''It's all in the control of the car,'' he grins.

''You know that makes no sense right?''

''Wrong, my dear Lydia. It will make sense when you want it to...''

You frown, is he high or something?! No, just excited; he knows that there's some skittles at Gerard's house. After around thirty minutes, you're awkwardly squished in between Frank and Gerard on the sofa at the Way household while Mikey sits on the floor beside Ray, Bob taking up the whole of the other sofa.

Some crappy old horror movie is on the TV and the guys are watching it intently, but you can't concentrate; you're too aware of Frank. You're so close to him that you could just reach out and touch his face, move his hair from his eyes so you can look into the deep hazel depths. You want to just look at him forever.

In your stomach, there's a whole army of butterfly's just begging to be set free, crashing into one another and making you feel sick. Your palms are sweating slightly, so you rub them on your jeans as you fixate your gaze on the TV. The others don't seem to notice the internal battle you're having.

'You're being ridiculous!' You tell yourself. 'You can't like Frank Iero!'

'Who says I do?'

'Oh please! Look at yourself! You're a mess!'

You don't reply to the voice in your head, you've admitted defeat. You like Frank Iero and there's nothing you can do about it. 'But I hardly even know the guy!' You think angrily. But still, the feeling you're getting, just because he's close is undeniable. You like Frank.
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Second update in one night...well I couldn't just leave it with the last chapter. Sorry about the general crappiness of it..

- Selina xox