Thunder Calls

to just desert me

They stood only inches apart.

He with his hands in his pockets, his belongings scattered across the apartment.

Her with her hands on her hips, her belongings packed into boxes and suitcases in her car.

The long awaited war was brewing between them.

“Just like that. You’re leaving.” He stated.

She frowned and glared at him. “You go from loving me in the morning to hating me at night.”

He tried to pull her into his arms.

She stepped back, the hurt from the action shown in her eyes.

“That’s all, huh, Jo? Five years and this is what it comes to?”

“You’re the one who screwed up, Chris.”

“Me? You never tried to get it to work.”

“Me? I tried for months! I gave you my love. I gave you my loyalty. I gave you my body. I gave you all that I have and you just threw it over your shoulder and ground it into dust like it was nothing!”

“You? All you did was throw yourself at me! I never wanted commitment, just fling, a no-strings-attached relationship. But then you slipped those words and it went all the hell!”

She took enough steps to stab him hard in the chest with her finger.

“Now, you listen here, and you listen good. I would never sell myself out to someone as a sex toy. You never told me of the no-strings-attached deal.” She shouted at him.

He gripped her shoulders.

“You’re a fucking liar.”

“No,” she spat. “You’re the fucking liar. You’re the one who fucks anything that walks and then tries to tell me it’s a mistake.”

He threw her away from him.

She kept her balance and grabbed her last suitcase.

“This time, you won’t just lose the war, Chris.”

She placed her hand in her pocket and pulled something out of her pocket.

She lifted her hand.

“You’ve lost your life.”

As rain lashed against the windows, thunder masked a single bang.

“This is goodbye.”
♠ ♠ ♠
not too proud of this one
feedback please?