Status: And it Has Begun

Beth's Letters


"What the hell," I mumbled as I finished scanning the letter. I had read it over one hundred times. Beth? Beth? No, she was dead. Gone. Six feet under. This is impossible! "What the fuck..."

"What is it, bro?" My roommate, Scot asked. I looked up and handed him the letter. Scot knew Beth. We all went to the same high-school, but I left. I graduated as did Alex and Scot. Beth was a Junior.

She's dead. This is impossible. "What the fuck.." Scot said echoing me. I nodded, numbly. It was freaky. I don't believe in ghosts, so this is impossible. Impossible. This is just a joke from one of the guys. A messed up joke, but a joke.

She loved me? Since when? What? She was young. She doesn't know love. Immature.

Wait, this is a joke.

"Dude. This girl like committed suicide, right? Did you go to the funeral?" Scot asked, way behind on news. I shook my head. "Oh, well, her Alexis were tight. And Alexis is hot. Give her a call, eh?" Scot waggled his eyebrows.

I snagged a beer to numb away this craziness and grabbed the phone. "Hey, Alexis. Listen, it's Jonathan. I just heard about Beth and I got this, well, this crazy letter saying it's from her. I think it's just a joke.... And so, I was just wondering. I mean, if you're cool. Really. Yeah. Gimme a call back?"

I hung up.

Scot was staring at me, "Hook. Line. And sinker." His voice was covered in sarcasm.

I flipped him off, walked into my room, finished my beer, and waited for a call.

I wanted to figure this out.

But, it was probably just a joke.