Status: And it Has Begun

Beth's Letters


"Alexis, honey.. You should eat."

I flinched as my mother's hand came to rest on my shoulder. I slowly turned to face her, and shook my head. She looked at me with sadness in her eyes, but didn't protest. She knew it wouldn't do any good.

When I heard the door close behind her, I pulled the letter out from underneath my pillow and stared at it, like I had been for the past hour and a half, since I woke up.

I'd read the letter so many times that I had every word memorized, but I still couldn't stop. It was Beth! She wrote to me. She told me she loved me and that she missed me. It was almost like she wasn't dead at all.

But of course, she still was.

When I first received the letter I thought it was some kind of sick joke. I almost threw it out, but some part of me had to read it. Sure enough, it was Beth's handwriting. I cried for hours after I first read it, but now I was more confused than I was sad or nostalgic.

Who delivered this to me?

Why did she write me a letter?

Am I the only one who got a letter?

I had to know.