Status: And it Has Begun

Beth's Letters


Dear Alexis,

I dream of death.

I dream of a sleep where I will never wake up. I dream and when I close my eyes, I hope they will never open again. That they will remain shut, locked, and blind to the world around them. The feeling are overwhelming me, Ali.

I'm starting to go numb.


Not even a razor could make me hurt. Not even the blood trickling down the drain would make me hurt. Nothing. Nothing makes me hurt anymore. I'm devoid of emotion.

I dream of death.

I wish to be kissed by the soft lips of darkness. They will wrap me up, consume me, and keep me shielded. The kiss of the death would be oh so sweet. Sweet, dark, enticing. I'm past the point of no return. I've already succumbed to the darkness inside me.

If you were here or maybe Jonathan, I'd be safe. I'd have a light, but you both left me. Alone. Alone to her. She tears me apart you know. She'll be the one who will deliver the kiss of death to me.

She has taken away my happiness, my confidence. She makes me long for silence of eternity. She makes the world hurt. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. I'd rather have sticks and stones.

I'd rather have Jonathan.

Jonathan, sweet Jonathan. Do you love him still Alexis? As I do? May I let you in on a secret? Oh no. I couldn't. I shall tell you later. The walls have ears you know. Or I suppose in this case, eyes. If I were not to get the kiss of the death, I'd wish for the kiss of him.

But you loved him first, so you should have him.

Give him a ring, a call I mean. Don't be a pussy.

I support you. I support your decisions. Your love. Your life. Live Alexis. You were always afraid to live. I no longer have the will to live, but you should. Live!

You should be happy. Happy, that's a good word. It reminds me of Disney. Be happy. Yes, be happy with Jonathan. I want you to be happy.

My happiness is gone.
Parting is such sweet sorrow.

