Status: And it Has Begun

Beth's Letters


Dear Alexis,

Please do not be angry with me, but I've given my mom more hospital bills once again. I tried again. I tried to rid myself of this world. I had a lot of sleeping pills at my fingertips and I used them to my disposal.

I thought of you, though. This time, at least. I thought of you and how if you had gotten the letter I had written just days before, you'd be here for me. I thought of our good times like the masks we make that we later eat. Or the countless times we have gotten fat while watching movies.

I thought of you and that's why I picked up the phone and called 911.

They saved me this time, but I did see a light. People have said you see a light and I did. I thought it was Jesus and maybe that all those Jesus freaks were right. But, no. It was just the light they had above me as they pumped my stomach.

I hope you do not think of me as selfish, for I did think of you. But, what happens when even thoughts of you no longer bring a small flutter of joy to my heart? What happens when all I can feel is the fingers of death grasping me? What if I am to weak to even dial the number? What if... I really do disappear.

Will you be okay? I do hope so. I would never EVER want to harm you.

I love you.

To die and part is less evil for me.

To die and live shall be the true torment for you, I fear.

I will try, for you.

You're my best friend, Ali.

I wish I had the guts to send these.

But fate ordains that dearest friends must part.

