Status: And it Has Begun

Beth's Letters


Dear Joanna,

What do the headlines read? "Local Girl Found Dead." Or perhaps "Local Girl Committed Suicide?" What do the headlines read? What do they make you feel?

Are you happy Joanna? I'm finally gone. Isn't that all you've wanted? Congratulations, you've won. You have won the game! How do you feel? Want a ribbon, bitch?

Or maybe you're guilty? Are you guilty, Joanna? You killed someone! Not with a gun, knife or even icicle. No, you killed them with words and that's much worse. That kind of death is slow. Slow and painful. It rots you from the inside out.

So how do you feel reading the headlines this morning? Did you smile or grimace? Do you hide your face in scorn or walk with confidence? Many people cried because of you. There are oceans of tears made because of you.

Do you want to know what it feels like to rot from the inside out?

Buckle up, bitch. It's going to be wild ride.

