Status: And it Has Begun

Beth's Letters


These letters were really starting to fuck with my mind.

The last letter I got from Beth, or whoever was sending them, did make me cry. It was an empty kind of cry though, not the kind of cry where all you feel is pure agony and sadness. That's the kind of cry I had when I first heard about the suicide attempt Beth describes in the letter.

This time I just felt so empty. Like I was crying just because it seemed to be the appropriate thing to do. I wasn't really very sad. I was actually more guilty, because of the things I thought about her after I read the last letter I received. At least I knew she thought of me.

Still, I wish she hadn't done what she did. I refuse to believe that any persons life could be so worthless. Her life wasn't even near half way over. I don't care what she was thinking, or how hopeless she felt, she could have changed it. As much as I want to, I know I'll never be able to forgive her for that.

She said she would try for me. She did no such thing. Her mind was already made up.
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