Growing Up


We spent a year traveling.

It doesn’t seem like a long time now that I think about it—only 365 days to visit every place on the list we had made: from Rio to Hong Kong and Hong Kong to Berlin, traveling by train, cab, plane and sometimes by foot from city to city. It seems like the year went by in a millisecond, that all of the times we spent watching the sun rise from the window of an airplane we should have been on the ground watching it instead, making the time last as long as we could. It seems like we need to do it again, though I know that we won’t. There isn’t any time for fun things anymore; all college, all of the time, just school-school-school and no looking back.

At the end of the year, Katie looked at me and said, “I guess this is it, right? Our last big thing. The next time we have a year to do something like this we’ll either be looking for a job or dying.”

“We’ve always been dying,” I had said, even though she was right.