Love Is Love, No matter How You Look At It.

To Every Goodbye, Is A Beautiful Hello.

*Show Pony's P.O.V*
*Almost a week later*
I walked around the back room of the shack quietly. I was grabbing some clothes, and supplies and shoving them in a bag. I hadn't told Steve, but I was going to the City to find a way to get Mikey back. I was wearing the skinny jeans Mikey had shown up in. I had barely touched the pants since Mikey left almost a week ago. I sighed as I finished putting everything in my bag. I grabbed the two photos off the dresser when I heard a whirling sound outside the shack. I ran outside to see what was going on. I saw a bright light then everything went black.
I woke up to someone shaking me gently. I opened my eyes to see a man standing over me. "Hey are you okay?" The man asked softly. "H-h-have you seen this man before?" I held up the picture of Mikey. "You're... That's my brother... You're the... Come with me!" The other guy smiled wide. "My.. my head." I held my head. "I'll carry you then. Come on! Mikey will be so happy! I'm Gerard by the way!" Gerard grinned. "Mikey?" I asked tiredly. "Yes Mikey." Gerard gently picked me up as I closed my eyes again.

Mikey's P.O.V*
Gerard smashed the door to my apartment open with a kick, gently bringing Pony inside and laying him on the couch before going to look for me. He found me in my bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed full-clothed, staring at one of the two pictures intensely, biting my lower lip. Gerard sighed. "Mikey!" he shouted to get my attention. "Y-yeah?" I jumped just a bit, lowering the picture like I hadn't been staring at it for over 3 hours on one spot without noticing my brother. "Come on, Mikes, gotta show you something!" Gerard ran over to me to pull me up, jerking me up by his armpits. "C'mon!" He pulled once again, dragging me out of my room, picture still in hand. It took just a few pulls to get me to the living room. "Look!" Gerard flailed around, grinning widely. "At wha-" I was about to bite, but was silenced by noticing that there was somebody on my couch. I couldn't let myself hope. "Gerard, If you brought Frank here again after he got sugar-high, I'm going to ki-" "Shush!" Gerard silenced me with a hand over my mouth, tugging me closer to the couch. "Look." "At what am I supposed to-" This time, I shut myself up by myself, just standing there, gaping. "P-Pony?" My voice was barely a whisper. Yes, there could be no mistake. That was Pony. Eyes closed and tired looking, but that was Pony! Wearing my skinnies and....Well, fuck. "Show Pony....."

*Show Pony's P.O.V*
I stirred slightly, no longer feeling the warmth of a human body, but feeling the cool fabric of something else. I rolled slightly and opened my eyes to see Gerard staring down at me with a giant grin on his face. "Gerard wh... where am I?" I looked around, and gasped when I saw Mikey. "Mikey... Is that really you... Please tell me I'm not dreaming!" A tear fell down my cheek. "Please tell me I'm not dead. Though if I was, and this was my heaven I'd be okay with it, cause you'd be there, but please tell me I'm not dead, or dreaming. Mikey?!" I reached out, grabbing for my Mikey.

Mikey's P.O.V*
"Pony!" I fell onto my knees, staring at the couch, landing so I was next to Show Pony's head. "Oh god, love...You're actually here...I can't believe it! How-How-?" I was biting my bottom lip so hard that it was bleeding, reaching a hand out to touch Pony's cheek gently. "Pony..."

*Show Pony's P.O.V*
I smiled and kissed Mikey softly on the lips, licking the blood away slowly. "I don't know. I was packing up a bunch of stuff to travel to the City to try and find a way to get you back, and I heard something, and when I went out to see what it was, I saw a bright light, then it went dark. Gerard woke me up, and I'm guessing brought me here! FUCK MIKEY! I'VE GOT YOU BACK!"

Mikey's P.O.V*
"Oh Pony..." A lone tear rolled down my face as I hugged the man awkwardly, kissing him with as much passion as possible. "Oh god...I've got you back,love.You're here....With me....You aren't going to disappear,are you?" I leaned my forehead against Pony's as Gerard snook out of the house slowly, a smug grin on his face.

*Show Pony's P.O.V*
I sat up awkwardly, sliding off the couch onto Mikey's lap. "I don't think so. I fucking hope not! I better not! Let's not talk about that. I just. Fuck I was so lonely without you!" I wrapped my legs around the other's waist, pulling him closer. "I love you so much Mikey Way! So much! Never let go of me! Please!" I kissed Mikey, wrapping my arms around his neck, holding the kiss.

Mikey's P.O.V*
"I won't. I love you, Pony. I fucking love you. Never let go of me and I'll never let go of you." I mumbled into the kiss, tightening my arms around my lover/boyfriend/soulmate. If things would stay like this forever, I'd be as happy as possible. This was absolutely perfect, and couldn't get even more perfect in any way.
♠ ♠ ♠

So this is the end of the roleplay turned fanfiction.

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Want another one? Drop a comment with a pairing, and I'll do another one with one of my friends. <3