Almost Easy

I don't think we'd ever be alright again

Bing Bong!

Bing Bong!

I groaned as the doorbell rang incessantly. I hate doorbells. Why can't people just knock or come barging in now a days? I got off the couch and slumped myself over to the door in my exhaustion. I looked through the peephole to see that Zacky was standing there, waving into the small window. I rolled my eyes and unlocked all the locks before opening it.

"And you woke me up why?" I asked him. He chuckled and reached to his left, pulling back my son in his grip. I gasped and reached out to Phoenix. "Where the hell have you been?!"

"I figured you were looking for him." Zacky crooned as he leaned against the doorframe. I sighed and pulled Phoenix into the house.

"Phoenix, If you value your life I'd get your ass up to your room right fucking now." He rolled his eyes and turned from me, tossing his bag over his shoulder. "Don't you dare roll your eyes at me! Get a huge smile on your face and skip up to that room now!" I yelled. He didn't listen and kept walking away. "I don't see you skipping!"

"Ray, Lay off." Zacky warned. I threw my glare towards him, crossing my arms over my chest. "I know you're mad," I scoffed. Duh. "I just want you to go easy on him. He tells me that you and Jimmy are getting divorced." I shook my head no.

"He seems to think that we are. We're not." Zacky nodded, looking around the doorway. "What?"

"You're not going to let your friend in? I mean, I did bring your missing son back to you. It's the least you could do to reward me." I rolled my eyes and moved to the side, ushering him in. He smiled and walked straight into the living room. "So, What's going on with you and Jimmy?"

"We're just at a rough spot…for the first time." I sighed, sitting down next to him.

"Wow, Never thought I'd see the day when the invincible couple of Jimmy and Raychel hit a rough spot in their perfect relationship." I scoffed and shook my head.

"Yeah, Some perfect relationship. We've been fighting over the stupidest things. I mean, Take Jordan's baby shower. I went outside for some air and to call Jimmy since he was staying home with the kids. Well, Phoenix answered the phone and tells me that he had left about 20 minutes after I did! So I rushed home, to find that Jimmy was up at the hilltop. I got all mad and pissed off at him. Only to find out that he was there with Larry working on a song for the new album. I took it way out of proportion! I'm an idiot!" I rambled. Suddenly, I looked over to Zacky for his reaction to see it wasn't one that I expected. He looked uncomfortable, shifting around where he sat. "What's wrong?" He shook his head and stood up.

"I better get going. Jimmy called me and said he'd be home soon." He mumbled as he walked towards the door. I stood up and ran over to him, blocking him from the door.

"Zacky, What's wrong? What do you know?" He shook his head.

"Nothing! I gotta go, Gena is waiting for me." He muttered, picking me up and moving me out of his way. Damn my shortness…

"Zacky!" I called after him as he practically ran to his Mercedes as Jimmy pulled up in his truck. I stood there, confused completely. Jimmy got out of the car, looking defeated and tired. He walked up to me, watching Zacky pull away.

"Hey, What was Zacky doing here?" I snapped out of my confusion as soon as he spoke and looked up to him. "You alright?" I nodded. "You look a little pale, You sick?" I shook my head no.

"No, I'm fine. Uh…Phoenix is upstairs." Jimmy's eyes bugged out and he stormed into the house.

"What?! When did he get here?" I slowly walked in, closing and locking the door. "Ray? When did he get here?"

"Zacky brought him over. I guess he got so upset about us that he went over to his house to get away," I mumbled, my eyes glazed over. I was still processing what made Zacky so uncomfortable so quickly. He knew something that I didn't know and I think it's something that I needed to know. Jimmy's hands found my shoulders and his eyes pierced into mine.

"Baby, What's wrong? You look like you've just seen a ghost." I shook my head of all the thoughts trying to cloud my mind.

"I'm sorry. My mind kinda went away for a minute. I'm fine." He nodded cautiously and wrapped his arms around me.

"So, What are we going to do about Phoenix?" I shrugged my shoulders, loosely wrapping my arms around Jimmy's waist.

"I have no idea. He's never done anything like this before. Grounding him won't work and any punishment that we throw at him, He'll just leave again." Jimmy nodded, placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

"I'm so sorry Raychel." I looked up to him. "I didn't mean to get mad at you for taking the kids out of Private school. I didn't mean to say that they'll end up as screwed up as we were if they went to public school. I'm sorry for everything." He rambled with tears lining his eyes. "Forgive me?" I sighed. Of course I could forgive him for those things. But what he hadn't apologized for was leaving the kids alone and then lying about it. I was too shaken up about everything that Phoenix had done that I just couldn't bring it up now. I wanted us to be happy. If not forever, at least for now.

"Of course I forgive you. I really didn't mean to blow up at you like that. I was just scared of what was happening to us. We never fight Jimmy. You know that." He nodded. "Now we've got the kids thinking that we're getting divorced. What are we going to do?"

"What do we need to do? Everything is alright now, Isn't it?" I nodded. Even though it wasn't true. Jimmy and I had a lot to work out now. I don't think we'd ever be alright again…