Almost Easy

Got a Life

I drove around Huntington for hours, just trying to clear my head so I could think straight. How dare he think that I was the one who was gonna mess up our kids?! If all people, it would be him! Mr. I'm a big rock star and don't need to see my only children born. If only he wasn't so fucking cute! I would have killed him 14 years ago! I sighed and tried to calm down. This was getting me no where. I pulled the car into the parking space on the highest hill in all of Huntington Beach.

The sun was getting ready to set. The sunlight danced across the pacific ocean, creating a longing glow. I sat at the edge of the cliff with my knees pulled tightly to my chest. Jimmy should be here. He was the one to first bring me here anyway. Tears streamed down my face, I couldn't help it. Even though I had told myself that I would never cry over some guy...I had to. Jimmy wasn't just some guy. He was my husband, my lover, the only guy that my heart ever yearned for. Officially, this was our first fight through our whole 14 years of marriage. I never thought we'd be like this...fighting. Jimmy and I never fought once when we were dating. I had put him through hell and back with my drug use and alcohol abuse. He stuck right there beside me and got me through it without one complaint.

Maybe that's what it was. Maybe the demise of our marriage was based on him not being able to complain when he needed to. If I had just let him have his way after everything I've put him through, I'd probably fucking him right now. God, I need that. Damn Phoenix and his multi-colored hair. Damn Sydney for multi-coloring his hair. Oh my god! What was I doing?! I'm damning my own children! I put my head down on my knees and sobbed quietly. How could I have let myself turn into this. I used to do whatever the hell I wanted without anyone telling me not to. What happened to me? Where did my life go?!

You had kids...You got married...You got a Life.

I sighed and looked out to the sun that had now dipped halfway behind the horizon. I wondered what Jimmy was doing now. He was probably cleaning up dinner and getting Sydney ready for...OH NO! I shot up and ran to my car quickly. How could I have been so selfish?! I drove as quickly and legally as I could back to the house. When I got there though...Jimmy's Truck, Jordan's mini coop, and Zacky's Mercedes were gone. I pulled into the driveway slowly, but sprinted into the house.

"Jimmy?" Nothing. "Sydney? Phoenix?" Again, Nothing. "ANYONE?!" Silence was all I heard in my house. At first, I thought of just staying home to enjoy the silence. Then as I walked around, noticing that everything was still and scared me. I started running around the house, calling for my family that wasn't there. I went into Sydney's room and noticed that her backpack and stuffed cat was gone. Then in Phoenix's room, his iPod and backpack was gone. My kids never would take those things unless they were gone for a while. I ran into my bedroom and searched everywhere. All of Jimmy's clothes and shit was there...everything was fine. I turned around to the wall to see that our wedding photo was gone. I looked down to see the frame and glass shattered on the floor, but the picture wasn't there. A lone drumstick laid next to the broken frame, jimmy. I looked around the room frantically for the wedding picture, until I found it laying on the bed. I sighed a sigh of relief and walked over to it. Tears came to my eyes when I saw that it was torn right down the middle of us, not completely breaking it though. I sat on the bed, clutching the picture in my hands. Please no, Don't tell me...

"Raychel?" Jimmy called from downstairs. I dropped the picture and ran down the stairs to where Jimmy was standing by the front door, hanging up his keys on the hook. He looked over at me and smiled. I frantically looked around him, seeing no kids. Jimmy looked at my scared face curiously. "Ray? What's wrong?" I looked up at him.

"Where are Phoenix and Sydney?!" He came over and put his hand on my shoulder. I pushed him off, shaking my head. "James, where the fuck are my kids?" He looked taken aback by the use of his full first name.

"First of all, They're our kids. Second, It's Jimmy...Not James." He cringed at the sound of it. I rolled my eyes and began tapping my foot. "And finally, they're fine. Phoenix decided he wanted to spend the night at Brian and Jordan's. Sydney wanted to go to Zacky's, so I let them. Calm the fuck down!" I went up and slapped his arm, Hard. "Ow! What the fuck was that for?"

"That was for scaring the hell out of me!" I smacked him again.


"That was for not letting me know where our kids were!" Smack

"Bitch! What the?!"

"And that was for breaking our wedding picture!" I screamed before storming off to the living room. Jimmy sighed and followed me. I sat down on the couch with my head in my hands, trying to control the tears. He sat down a few inches away from me, giving me my space. "I'm sorry." I mumbled softly. Jimmy cocked his head to the side. I sighed and looked over at him, my head still resting on my hands. "I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you. I'm sorry for making you think that you're a horrible father. I'm sorry for always using the excuse that you weren't there for when the kids were born when everything goes wrong. I'm sorry for being such a pain in your ass all these years. I'm sorr..." Jimmy cut me off by kissing my lips fiercely, catching me completely off guard. Jimmy had never kissed me as passionately as this. My head reeled, my heart pounded, my blood ran cold, and I was happy with it all. I kissed Jimmy back and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He pressed my back onto the couch beneath him, still kissing me intensely. Where all this had come from, I had no idea. I wasn't stopping it though. I just let whatever happen, happen. I was with Jimmy and my life couldn't have been better.

...Yeah, Nice Wish.