The Girl in Blue

owls and o.w.l's

Hours and days went by and Aurora felt herself being pulled away from the society of Hogwarts. It was somewhat due to the upcoming O.W.L's, which were starting to take over almost all of the fifth year students' lives, but mostly due to Tom's proposition to her.

She couldn't talk to the only true friend she had at Hogwarts. Therefore, she locked herself up in her dormitory and studied--because that kept her mind off more pressing issues in her personal life.

Aurora's sudden change of attitude startled some of the people she acquainted herself with. Tom Riddle being the main person, but Annabelle Hawkins had asked her, several times, if she was alright. To which she nodded and said she was fine.

On the day before the start of their Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations, Aurora didn't even sleep the night before. Their testing started the next day and students had time to cram in some last minute studying. Instead of studying (as if she really needed to--she practically memorized all the books), her mind went elsewhere.

Tom was trying to reach her. Everyday in the halls, she would hear a, "Rose!" or in the common room, he would discreetly try and get her attention. Aurora even switched seats with Nott in Defense Against the Dark Arts so she didn't have to have her mind on Tom. It was obvious that she was avoiding him, but she didn't care. All she wanted was some peace of mind.

At five in the morning, while the rest of the school was asleep, she got out of bed, taking a notebook, quill, and ink with her and she slipped out to the owlery.

Aurora found Nutters perched in a little nest and he flew over to her.

"Hi, Nutty," She sighed, in a whisper. "It's been too long, hasn't it?"

She ripped out a piece of parchment and sat down, with Nutters next to her, and dipped her quill in the ink and she began to write. It had been a while since she had sent any letters out to any of her family members, but she still wanted them to know she had forgiven them, but she was still angry.

Dear Renee,

I know it's been a while, and if I had it my way, you probably wouldn't hear from me until I come back home, but I'm honestly having an inner battle with myself, and who to ask for advice than my dear cousin?

It's about Tom. You know that boy that I told you about? Right, well, something happened. I really should have seen it coming because Tom is...well, he's very...possessive. I don't think that is the right word, but I really can't think of the right word to describe him. He's mysterious, he's sly, he's
different. Maybe it's just me? Maybe I'm just very attracted to that type of person?

Anyways, I also have (had?) a friend named Remington. He has been my friend since I started at Hogwarts, and I've grown very fond of him (there's an even longer pertaining to Remington that I'd rather not going into right now, but remind me later and I'll tell you).

He kissed me. Remington, I mean, not Tom. Well, Tom kissed me, too, but the problem I'm telling you now has to do with Remington kissing me.

I should have seen
that coming too, because he had become a little overly friendly with me, but he kissed me! Just out of the blue! And it wasn't even a kiss on the cheek, it was a kiss on the lips that I was completely thrown off by.

Tom saw it. He wasn't very happy. So, because of that, he told me to stay away from Remington. He actually
forced me to never speak to him again.

Renee, I don't know what to do. I like Tom, and I like Remington. I have to choose between the two of them, and I don't know who to pick! Remington is my friend whom I find very dear to me. He's sweet, kind, and probably the only Gryffindor to like me. He's a good friend.

But he kissed me. Our relationship will change forever because of that.

Then there is Tom who has been my friend (he doesn't like that word...acquaintance?) since we were so young. He has stuck by me, even now, during all that insanity I went through this year. But he's...he's
scary. He's an evolved Tom that I met at the orphanage. I feel like he's going to take over the world one day--that is how scary he is.

But...I can't seem to stay away from him. That is my problem. I can't seem to pull myself away and say 'no', to him. I am not that person, Renee. I'm not the person to just succumb to the wrongdoings of other people. I am my own person, but Tom Riddle makes me feel like he owns me. How could he tell me what to do? I have a mind of my own, I can make my own decisions.

Please, help me. I'm going mental here. I know you can't choose for me, but at least give me an idea? I mean, if I'm thinking romantically, it would be Tom. But there is so much at stake for Tom and me that I don't know if I can choose him.

And, I also don't want to lose Remington as a friend.

What am I supposed to do?

Your dear cousin,

P.S. How is everyone?

Aurora sighed and she tied the letter to Nutters' leg and watched him fly off until he disappeared. She didn't want to go back to the common room, so she stayed in the owlery, playing with some of the owls, trying to get the time to pass by.

She did the same thing the very next day. She managed to escape to the owlery in the very early morning before their examinations started and found Nutters by the window with a letter attached to his leg.

Aurora opened it and felt a sense of home, knowing that it was from Renee, and she practically tore it open.


You have no idea how long I have been waiting for a letter from you. Sammy has been missing you like crazy--more than me, I think! Mum and dad have been alright. Mum opened up that bakery that she's been on about for years, don't you remember? It finally happened! As for your parents, they are alright. I think you should send them a letter because ever since Christmas, they've been constantly worrying about you. Uncle J, especially.

Anyways, it really sounds like you're in a dilemma. Remington sounds like a really sweet guy, Ror. Even though you two kissed, I mean, if you really don't like him, but want to stay friends, then he will eventually move on. Obviously, you two aren't meant to be together--but you could always stay friends. Your relationship will change, but maybe it'll be for the better?

As for shouldn't listen to him. Especially if he's scaring you like this. He isn't in charge of you. As much as I fantasized about the two of you together, nobody has a right to control your life except for you. If you want to continue being friends with Remington, then do it! Tom can't do anything to you, Aurora.

I'm so sorry about this problem of yours, especially happening after what happened with you and your parents. Remember, Ror, it's your life and you make your own decisions. Not Tom Riddle.

I hope I helped some. I'm rubbish when it comes to these things, but with my muggle literature, I know a thing or two.

Write back soon!


Aurora read the letter eight hundred times and she sighed. Renee was right. She had to take control of her own life and not let Tom boss her around.

But...she was starting to fall for him. Aurora was finally letting herself admit it, but she was finding herself falling for Tom Riddle. No matter how much was a recluse he was, he was letting her in too and she was convinced he felt the same.

Remington was her friend and she really didn't want to lose him. He was her only friend that actually showed how much he cared about her. Even if it was with a kiss. He would understand, though.

Before Aurora could even think about it, thoroughly, she was letting her true Slytherin side come out. She just had to wait until O.W.L's were over in two weeks, and her plan would take place.

If Tom Riddle had his plans, then so did Aurora Jenkins.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soooooooo, I know I suck, but this is unrelated to this story...somewhat. But Skye and I present to you a wonderful creation called DAILY PROPHET PRESS. Click on it and you'll see why it's awesome :)

Aight, so back to this.
I'm so sad. I lost so many subscribers on this story. Like, I actually lost 7. That is the most number of subscribers I have ever lost in just a span of one chapter. I'm sorry that this sucks now. I'm trying hard not to...but I'm making this all up as I go so bare with me!

But I still like the amount of comments I'm getting. Thank you to skyerocket. (x2), Spiders From Mars, WhoAreYouJudy, kailixx, Lady of the Moon, kristinadelarosa, loveleycliquet, The Silver Snitch, whilethefirewasout, JustThinking, steph goes rawr., SparkUpTonight :)

P.S. Anybody think that Klaus from The Vampire Diaries is like Riddle? Damn, I see similarities.