The Girl in Blue

hogwarts or durmstrang?

When she was younger, Aurora would never understand why her parents had to move around everywhere. She never understood what their jobs were--she just liked being stationary. For the most part, she was, but sometimes she had to move. To Scotland, to America, to Australia, etc. When she was ten, they had to move to the outskirts of Europe--hence why she had to go to Durmstrang.

And again at the age of sixteen.

"What?" Aurora stared at her parents. Jarlath and Esmerelda looked a little frightened (Esmerelda, especially) but they kept their stance.

"The Ministry wants to move us again," Jarlath said, clearing his throat.

"What--what does that mean?" She asked, trying to contain herself--did that mean she had to leave Hogwarts?

"You might have to go back to Durmstrang, dear," Esmerelda said.

Aurora stood up. Jarlath did, too, and he said, "Now, listen to me, Aurora--"

"This isn't fair!"

"Your mother and I have given it a lot of thought," Jarlath glanced at his wife. "We aren't moving yet, but the Ministry is strongly considering it." He said, seeing that Aurora was relaxing a little bit.

"Slughorn and Dumbledore have told us about your year, Aurora," he added. "I know, I take blame for some of it, but we think it is best for you to leave that school and go back to Durmstrang--where things were...normal."

"However," Esmerelda added, giving her husband a pointed look. "We can see that you are able to make decisions yourself, so we are allowing your input into the decision. You can tell us if you want to stay or not and we'll take it into a very strong consideration."

"This is just your way of trying to make me feel better!" Aurora exclaimed, staring dumbfounded at her parents. "You're going to make me leave anyway--regardless of my decision."

"Aurora," Esmerelda sighed. "We are giving you an opportunity."

Aurora shook her head. "I know how you both work. You say that you'll make me make my own decision but you have the ultimate power anyway. And what am I supposed to do if you're gone?"

"Well, your aunt and uncle are willing to take you in," Jarlath said. "We're being serious. You are sixteen now and you live on your own nine months out of the year. Just think about it before you tell us anything, alright?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Aurora crossed her arms.

"It means that you shouldn't make a decision based on a person--say, a boy," Esmerelda suggested. "Think things through before you do anything, Aurora."

Aurora sighed. She ignored the hug that her mother wanted to give her and she went up to her bedroom, locking the door shut.

Hogwarts or Durmstrang? Even if her parents were giving her a choice (she still highly doubted it), then what would she even choose?

If she was being completely honest, Durmstrang was better for her. Aurora had all of her friends, she was passing all of her classes easily, she was rather well-liked there. At Durmstrang, she was accepted and she didn't have to worry so much (except for the whole Dark Arts aspect of it).

Since her time at Hogwarts, she didn't really have much fun. Aurora expected great things to happen, but all she got was shame and humiliation. She wasn't very well liked, she didn't have many friends, and sometimes she really wished she didn't go there.

But there was Tom Riddle.

Aurora closed her eyes. Was Tom worth it?

She grabbed some parchment and ink and she opened up the window to her room. Upon moving into that house, Aurora had always snuck out and gone to the meadow behind their house. The meadow was beautiful and large and always gave Aurora inspiration to write or do something. It gave her the alone time she needed.

Aurora sat down in the grass, the sun beating down on her skin, and she pulled out the parchment.

Dear Tom,

All my life, I have been uprooted. I mean, at the age of two, I came to the orphanage. Then at the age of eight, I left and moved into my current house in London. It's been a field day having to move to some country and then come back.

I'm moving again. I don't know where, exactly, but it's close to Durmstrang. My father is an Auror and for some reason, the Ministry is thinking of moving us. I hate moving, I like staying in one place. I don't have to keep making new friends–you know how well I am that.

I've been given a personal choice: Hogwarts or Durmstrang?

Believe me, it's a dilemma in my eyes. I know you would choose Hogwarts, any day, but I'm in a serious pickle about this, Tom.

All of my friends are at Durmstrang. My cousin is at Durmstrang. People actually like me at Durmstrang. And Hogwarts? Well, at Hogwarts, I have you. That's it, right? I mean, people ignore me there. I have no friends.

I don't know, Tom. Maybe this year will start to look up for me? I have high hopes that maybe it will. I mean, I am on your side now, right? You won't unleash a monster again–because I will actually stop you again.

Anyways, take care, Tom. I'll see you soon.


She didn't send the letter. She tucked it away–maybe she could show him another time, but she just wanted completely bliss for the start of the new year.

Aurora laid down in the grass and she sighed. Sixth year was going to be a new year. She had her old best friend by her side again and she was determined to make it her year.

She just hoped Tom Riddle wouldn't be her deciding factor in choosing between Hogwarts or Durmstrang. For the good or the bad.
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I got really excited to write this chapter. I'm also posting this at 11:47am because I have to go sooooooon. But leave me some comments when I get back tonight :)

Read my new STORY, too, while you're at it :)