Condemned at Twenty-One

Like my Brand Mark?

“Hi, I’m Celestial Bliss.” A twenty-one year old man says to a woman as he sits down in front of a desk. “But I prefer to be called C.”

“For Celestial?” The woman asks.

“For Condemned.” The woman stares at C a little worried.

“Well, I’m Margaret Heeven.” She says sticking her hand out and leans over the desk.

“I know.” C says shaking her hand. “Is your husband here Mrs. Heeven?” C ask running his hand through his longish purple hair with green streaks. “I’m his new worker.”

“Oh, the new secretary!” Mrs. Heeven says happily jumping up from her chair. “Odd, I’ve never met a male secretary before.” C forces a smile as he stands up. He suddenly realizes just how short and chunky the woman is. Standing at 6ft3 C is at least two feet taller than her. “Follow me hon.” She says walking to a door and C feels the floor rumble underneath his feet. If this woman sat on me, C thinks to his self as he picks up his messenger bag, she would defiantly crush me.

They enter into a 20X15 foot room containing a desk, desktop computer, phone, and three chairs. The owners a millionaire yet he puts an old model desktop computer in here?

“This is where you will work.” Mrs. Heeven says. She walks up to a door two feet behind the desk and knocks. “Honey,” She calls out.

“Come in.” A male voice calls back. She opens the door and motions C to follow behind her.

“Your new secretary is here dear.” She says to a sixty year old man sitting behind a laptop.

“Oh good, show her in.” He says not even looking up.

“First off, I’m right here.” C says stepping forward. “Second I’m a guy.” The old man looks up from his laptop unsure. “Hello Mr. Heeven. I’m Celestial Bliss.”

“Heavenly Joy.” Mr. Heeven says smirking at C.

“I prefer to be called C.” He almost growls at Mr. Heeven.

“For Celestial?”

“For Condemned.”

“Uh, huh.” Mr. Heeven says looking at C weirdly. “Well thank you for showing him her Margaret. I’ll see you at home later.” He says waving her off. Mrs. Heeven smiles and walks out with heavier steps then before. C thinks she’s possibly skipping. “Well get to work.” Mr. Heeven says turning his attention back to the laptop.

“Will you help me?” C ask leaning over Mr. Heeven’s desk. Mr. Heeven looks up and can see C’s chest under his loosely hanging button polo shirt. He feels himself enlarge slightly so he stands up slowly.

“Well I guess I can.” He says walking around the desk to C. He puts his hand on C’s back.

“Let's go.” He says moving his hand down C’s back and leading him out the door.
C sits down at his desk and turns the computer on. He follows each step that Mr. Heeven tells him to do. Mr. Heeven removes his hand from C’s shoulder and slips it up C’s shirt and rubs his hand up and down his chest.

“Tell me,” Mr. Heeven whispers into C’s ear, “How would you like to do another job for me?” He asks gently kissing C’s neck.

“I’m a virgin.” C says knowing exactly where this is leading to.
“Well I can teach you easily. Then you will become all mine.” C stays quiet as Mr. Heeven nibbles on his ear. Disgusting old man, C thinks.

“You’re a greedy man aren’t you?” C asks.

“Is that a bad thing?”

“No, actually you are exactly what I was looking for.” C says smiling. He stands up and grabs his messenger bag. “Come, I know a place where we can be alone.”

“Why couldn’t we go somewhere we could have driven to?” Mr. Heeven complains.

“Because I want to take you somewhere special.” C says trying not to sound annoyed as they travel through a woody area. “We’re here.” The two walk out into an empty field.

“Finally.” Mr. Heeven says grabbing C from behind. He has trouble unbuttoning C’s shirt so he just rips it off. He looks at C’s back and his eyes widen. “What the?”

“Like my brand mark?” C asks turning around and looking at the old man coldly.

“What does it mean?” Mr. Heeven asks backing away.

“Just what it says you perverted, greedy, old man.” Mr. Heeven falls back in horror as C steps closer. Branded on C’s back in larger letters is the word, Damned.

“Why would you want such a horrid thing branded on your back?” Mr. Heeven asks through a very shaky voice. C stops in his track and burst into sudden laughter.

“Do you think I willingly had this put on me old man?” C grabs Mr. Heeven by his collar shirt and yanks him up. “I was sentenced to hell by the big guy himself. But then he and the devil thought, Oh, that’s not a fit enough punishment, let’s leave him on earth to suffer for all eternity times more.” C lets him go and the man falls on the ground flat on his butt. “Do you want to know something about this place?” C asks and the man sits on the ground unmoving. “Well do you?!”

“Yes!” Mr. Heeven cries out shrinking down.

“I killed a prostitute here just yesterday.” C says and his eyes glow red. Mr. Heeven screams as C dives for him. He is easily pinned down by the fit twenty-one year old. “I ripped out her heart.” C says smiling proudly. “And guess what I’m going to do to you.” The old man lets out a sob. “Oh don’t cry,” C whips the tears off the man’s face, “I want your eyes to look beautiful when I scoop them out.”